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by Darnell Clayton
Following the footsteps of (which is owned by Automattic), it looks like WordPress core developers will be releasing version 3.1 which will allow self hosted fans everywhere to create mini tumblr blogs without having to purchase (or download) a custom theme.
The current list of post formats is on the Codex page:
aside – Typically styled without a title. Similar to a Facebook status update.
chat – A chat transcript.
gallery – A gallery of images.
link – A link to another site.
image – A single image.
quote – A quotation.
status – A short status update, usually limited to 140 characters. Similar to a Twitter status update.
video – A single video.
There has been suggestion of an “audio” format, which makes sense given the other multimedia posts. Another one recently suggested to me was a “code” format, which I could get behind. (WordPress Development Updates)
Core developers are scheduled to release version 3.1 of WordPress by December of 2010, although it is probably safe to assume that they will release the latest version before the holidays (as very few people enjoy working over the break). read more
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Tags: tumblr, WordPress
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Twitter Befriend’s Apple’s Ping
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by Darnell Clayton
It looks like Ping (a music social network from Apple) has a new best friend, as Twitter has just announced that Ping users (not to be confused with or can now connect their accounts with the micro blogging social network.
Starting today Ping, iTunes’ new social network for music, and Twitter are making it even easier for people to share music discoveries with their friends by putting Ping activity, song previews and links to purchase and download music from the iTunes Store right in their Tweets on [...]
Once you’ve linked the accounts, whenever you Post, Like, Review, or tell your friends why you purchased a song or album on Ping, this activity will also be tweeted to your Twitter followers – complete with playable song previews and links to purchase and download music from iTunes. (Official Twitter Blog)
Users who connect their Twitter accounts to Ping will be able to find Twitter friends (or rather people they follow) who also use Ping, which should help make the service easier for new comers to adopt (as very few people enjoy using social networks without their friends).
This partnership is obviously a big win for Apple, as the company previously tried (and failed) to establish a similar relationship with Facebook.
Although its still unclear whether Apple will make a second attempt to pursue a similar relationship with Facebook, we may see the music giant reach out to other social networks in the future (with the exception of Google Me of course).
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Tags: apple, ping, Twitter
November 10, 2010
2nd Most Popular Facebook App? You Wouldn’t Think So
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by James Johnson
Microsoft Live Messenger LogoFarmville might be the most played game on Facebook with 16 million daily users, but some visitors might be interested to know that the 2nd most popular application isn’t a popular game or gift sending app, it’s Microsoft’s Windows Live Messenger Facebook application.
ReadWriteWeb reports that 9 million Live Messenger users are currently logging into Facebook and then chatting to their friends through the application, rather than using Facebook’s own chat application.
The application is a smart move for Microsoft who may be able to etch out a name for themselves by providing the type of chat functions users fail to love on Facebook. It could be a great way for Microsoft to introduce their own users to Facebook, while possibly rolling out new features that could provide a further social network reach for the company. read more
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Tags: Facebook, Facebook Apps, Facebook Live Messenger, Microsoft
Facebook Places Debuts For Blackberry
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by Darnell Clayton
After the social networking giant unveiled Facebook Places for iPhone and iPod Touch users, it looks like Blackberry fans will now be able to utilize the social location feature without having to purchase an iOS device.
With that being said, I’m pleased to announce that Facebook Places is now available on BlackBerry smartphones. The final release of Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones v1.9 will be available for download in BlackBerry App World™ (North America only) within the next 24 hours!
Facebook Places uses cell tower triangulation and the GPS technology on your BlackBerry smartphone to find places of interest close to your location. You can view the location of a Facebook Place on a map to see exactly where it is and check out the surrounding area. You can also get directions to and from a Facebook Place simply by clicking on the map image, which will seamlessly launch the BlackBerry® Maps application. (Inside Blackberry)
Unlike the Facebook iOS and Android Apps, Facebook for Blackberry is maintained by Research In Motion (aka RIM) and not the social networking giant (who like Twitter doesn’t devote corporate resources to the device).
Unfortunately there still isn’t any word on when RIM will expand the feature beyond the continental borders of America, although that may have more to do with Facebook beta testing in Europe than RIM itself.
While Facebook Places is a welcome addition to the Blackberry smartphone, hopefully the company will be able to add a few additional features like Facebook Deals in the near future (the latter which is available to iOS users).
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Tags: Blackberry, Facebook
November 9, 2010
Facebook Now Controlling Almost 25% Of Online Marketing
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by James Johnson
Facebook Logo
It’s a good time to be Mark Zuckerberg, sure The Social Network made fun of him, but director David Fincher isn’t controlling 23% of all display ad impressions on the internet now is he?
Internet reporting firm ComScore provided that staggering number this week, while adding that Facebook has provided advertisers during the last quarter with more than 297 billion display ad impressions.
The 23.1% share is up from 9.2% during the same quarter one year prior and the company’s 16.2% share during the last quarter.
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Tags: Facebook, Facebook Advertising, online advertising
November 8, 2010
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words; Importance of Images Within a Blog
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by Guest Author
It’s very much a cliché, same as the old saying ‘Content Is King’, but unfortunately, they still ring very true in the ears of SEO gurus.
When you write online, there is more to think about than just the words on the page. Whether you like it or not, people get bored, and they get bored quickly. With the instant-gratification world we now live in, people (especially internet users) don’t have the patience to give anything a chance without some visual stimulation.
With the rise of the finger-fast technology that supports all super-dooper games, images and other visually appealing programs, it is easy to see why people need flashing images and pretty fonts to grab their attention; anything less than this is not worth their time.
The success of many blogs lies in how they present themselves. First impressions are everything (another cliché I know) and it is worthwhile thinking about how people perceive your blog before they add another notch on your bounce rate statistic. How colorful is it? What is the navigation like? And most importantly, what images can they look at?
In some respects, images are what draw anybody to anything. Visual appeal should not be underestimated, and the different images used attract a variety of audiences; but how does this work?
Well firstly, let’s establish what type of images there are… read more
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Twitter Gets Serious About Location Based Services, Businesses Can Claim Locations
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by James Johnson
Twitter Business Claim and Check-In Screen
In a move that places Twitter in direct competition with other location based services including Foursquare and Gowalla, the social networking company has announced the option for businesses to claim their locations.
The new feature, which shows up in the users venue feed can be seen in the screen capture on this page (located above). The image shows that a recent Tweet by a Twitter employee checked them in at Twitter Headquarters.
Twitter, a micro-blogging service, is perfect for the feature since many users already check-in using other services such as Foursquare and then update their location based information through the Twitter interface.
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Tags: Location Based Services, Twitter, Twitter Checkin
November 5, 2010
Foursquare And Gowalla Used At Double The Rate By Men
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by James Johnson
If you’re checking out who checked in at different locations last night, it’s likely you’ll notice that mostly your male friends were doing the check-ins. According to a report by the Pew Internet and American Life Project which examines internet trends in the United States, men use Foursquare, Gowalla and other location bases services for check-ins at double the rate of females.
For people unfamiliar with these services, they allow you to check-in at each location you visit, while broadcasting your location to friends and the public (if you choose to share that information). User can then receive badges and other rewards for checking in.
According to the study 6% of males who were asked said they use the services, while only 3 percent of internet using females said they check-in at locations.
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Tags: Foursquare, Gowalla, Location Based Services
November 4, 2010
Facebook Approved For Yet Another News Feed Patent
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by James Johnson
Facebook Patent
Facebook has been approved for a news feed patent which allows them to generate a personalized story feed for users, the patent in many ways is similar to the news feed patent they received earlier in 2010.
The patent, named Generating a feed of stories personalized for members of a social network is described as:
“Systems and methods for generating dynamic relationship-based content personalized for members of a web-based social network.” read more
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Tags: Facebook, Facebook Patent, News Feed Patent
WordPress Declares Mobile Supremacy, Boasts 1 Million Users
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by Darnell Clayton
After unveiling their Nokia app to the world, Automattic (the company behind WordPress) has announced that they have now surpassed one million mobile users.
We just passed 1 million mobile users across all platforms, which is not only a huge landmark for us, but for mobile blogging altogether. Cell phones are becoming our new personal computers, always with us and always ready when something needs blogging about. Each day thousands of posts are written and posted using nothing but a wee phone keyboard and a built-in camera. It’s truly about capturing the moment, and as smart phones are becoming more popular we’re trying to stay with you with your platform of choice. (Official WordPress Blog) read more
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Tags: Mobile Blogging, WordPress
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