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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Success Requires Patience
Once people learn to walk and talk, if able to do so without difficulty, they seem to forget that it took time and patience to succeed at these very complex tasks. There were more times of misspoken words or tumbles on the floor than could be counted. Parents often smiled or laughed at the imperfect attempts to learn these skills now performed with little or no thought.
Success Takes Patience
Whenever you attempt to learn something new, you have to give yourself time to acquire the fundamentals of your soon to be new skill. There is a complex interaction and imprinting occurring in the brain. New neural pathways are being traced every time you try something new. As you practice it, the neural pathways strengthen.
Nature, not technology, is the metaphor for time and success. A healthy human baby takes a full nine months. You might be able to get by with 8.5 months, but every parent worries when a baby comes much earlier than that.
As wonderful as technology is, its instant gratification model gives the false impression that you can accomplish great things in moments. Yes, it takes much less time to edit a book you've put in your computer, but it still involves butt-time in the chair with fingers hitting the keyboard to have anything worth editing.
From Idea to Completion
Think of your idea as a seed and your mind, from which your idea came, as the fertile soil it will grow in. Your idea needs time to incubate. Once you acknowledge it by bringing it into your conscious mind and affirm it by saying, "Yes, I want this to happen," your unconscious mind begins to allow the idea to grow roots and a stem.
You feed and water your idea by giving it time, sketching out plans, gathering information and talking about it with mentors. Your idea continues to grow as you itemize the objectives that will move you on the road to success. Once you have the information and learning you need to get started, you take the first step on the journey. Your seed has pushed through the top of the soil.
Success Includes Mishaps
Just as you fell often on your diapered bottom when you learned to walk, you will fall on your road to accomplishing your goals. You will try certain strategies and some will work and others won't. The key is to have patience with the process. When a strategy doesn't work out, that simply means you have gathered information about what not to do. You come up with additional options and try those.
The only failure is quitting. Ask Thomas Edison, the inventor of the incandescent light bulb. He tried more than 1000 different elements for the filament in the light bulb. Time and patience is what moved society from oil lamps to electric lamps.
Cathy Chapman, PhD, LCSW has her doctorate in Mind-Body Psychology. She assists people in achieving their dreams of health, wealth and abundance. Learn how to access your personal power by reading the Special Report "7 Methods for a Practically Impenetrable Immune System." Go to http://www.OdysseyToWholeness.com.
Wireless Cellular Phone Video Surveillance
for remotely monitoring from Everywhere in the world.
This is a solution that will turn any regular cell phone into a high end surveillance device.
The surveillance system brings video from video source such as USB or IP Webcam to your cell phone. It contains both the client and server software.
You can watch your residence, business, babysitter, parents, pets, etc.
You can watch live images from your cameras on mobile phone via
any kind of online connection from any location in the globe.
In case of invasion, a real picture helps prevent false alarm and cancel police dispatches to avoid the fines.
Enjoy the independence of watching all your cameras
on cell phone anytime and from anyplace with just the tap of a button.
How does cellular surveillance work:
You connect your webcam (USB, IP camera, or Camcoder) to your home computer
and setup the software.
The software records video and audio from webcam and sends it, as compressed
media stream, to web server.
You login to this Web server from your mobile phone and watch your camera.
No special software for your mobile phone is needed.
Six Steps to Choosing a Self-Help Book
Find yourself asking "now what?"
In order to find a way to solve your problems, do you discuss them with family or friends, a trusted advisor or mentor of some sort, or maybe even consult a physician or therapist? Do you turn inwards and journal? Maybe you check out online resources, such as support groups, chat rooms, and other social media.
The fact is, when your concerns get big enough, chances are you will at some point turn to the self-help section of your local bookstore. Studies show that more and more people are using self-help resources to find healing. In the year 2005 alone, over $693 million dollars were spent on self-help books!
While there are a lot of credible sources out there, with good quality books that can help people heal and grow in healthy ways... there is also a lot of garbage. Did you know that there are no regulations to protect self-help book consumers? In other words, a person does not need to hold an advanced degree, have special training or knowledge in the field of mental health, psychology or relationships in order to write a self-help book.
With so many people out to make a buck these days, this means the consumer needs to be pretty savvy when choosing a self-help book. Here are some steps I recommend to help you spend your hard earned cash on a book that will actually do what it says: Help.
1. Is the title really what it says it is? Make sure you read the back of the book, the inside flap and maybe even scan a chapter right there in bookstore or library. Authors use catchy titles that can be misleading. You want to make sure the content directly addresses your concern.
2. Scan a chapter to see if you like the authors writing style. Sometimes these books are easy to read, sometimes it's a bunch of psycho-babble, filled with words that don't really make sense to you. A quick glance through the book can give you a better idea of how the author talks to the reader.
3. Check the author's credentials! Letters after the name help add credibility to the author's claimed expertise. These credentials show the individual has advanced schooling: PhD: Doctor of Philosophy, PsyD: Doctor of Psychology MA: Masters of Arts; and these refer to the license: MFT: marriage and family therapy, LPCC: licensed professional clinical counselor. Make sure the author has at least one of those credentials.
4. Check out the reviews on the back of the book. Are the reviews done by credible sources? If other professionals support the author, it's a good sign.
5. For that matter, check out reviews online. Many of the online bookstores, like Amazon or Barnes & Noble have a section where readers can comment on how useful the book was to them. Take a peak at those before you make your purchase.
6. For especially smart self-helpers out there, check the book for support of the author's claims. While self-help books will not be written like research papers, the really good ones do offer scientific research in support of why their method, program, idea or approach will help with your specific concern. Anyone can say they know the key to happiness or the answer to anxiety. You want a solution that is proven to work.
Most importantly, make sure its something that you actually want to read. It doesn't do you any good if sits on your coffee table gathering dust. As always, if you find self-help doesn't do the trick, which for many concerns it probably won't, then be sure to contact your local trusted mental health professionals. What the books have a tough time explaining to you, a therapist can provide answers to your questions and on-going support as you make changes in your life.
How to Not Lose Yourself in Your Relationships - The Little Prince Series
Daily Insight from the Story of The Little Prince
James Herriot is visiting another veterinary surgeon, Granville Bennet, who has particular skills with certain small animal surgeries, in this case a dog called Dinah.
With the surgery completed and the dog still asleep, Granville takes James to the local country pub, where Granville orders three pints of ale and downs them each in turn without stopping to take a breath. James, meantime, is still working his way down his first pint.
Granville has one of those personalities that are hard to resist. They are larger than life, filling the room, and inherently commanding.
So James, in this story from the books and television series All Creatures Great and Small, ends up gulping all three pints of ale, not enjoying them at all, because he can't define himself around such a strong personality in a social setting-something he has no trouble doing in his work as a vet.
Why couldn't James just say clearly, firmly, and kindly that all he wanted was one pint?
When someone has a dominant personality, let alone domineering, it's very easy to feel overwhelmed by them. We cave into them, failing utterly to "show up" for who we are.
We then go along with what they wish to do-a problem that's particularly poignant when it comes to teens. Girls and boys end up being persuaded into sex, drugs, alcohol because they have such a need to "fit in" with their peers and can't stand on their own two feet emotionally.
Later in life, especially if we have been in a marriage in which we felt bullied, many of us find ourselves closing off to relationships in which we feel overwhelmed by the other person, particularly romantic relationships but also often family or friends-sometimes going years without speaking to family members or individuals who were once close to us.
Life asks us neither to run for cover, avoiding the issue, not to allow ourselves to be taken over by another. On the contrary, such situations arise in order to bring out our ability to differentiate ourselves.
Differentiation is a bit different from individuation. It isn't just about being ourselves, but about being able to be ourselves and still be close to others.
Many of us can be ourselves to a fair degree-as long as we don't allow ourselves to become too close to someone. Differentiation requires us to be ourselves and be close, maintaining our sense of ourselves instead of losing ourselves in the relationship.
It takes some practice. And life daily furnishes us with just the situations we require in order to become strong individuals who chart our own course in life, yet who can also be closely connected with family, friends, and those we work among.
In the story of the Little Prince, this is symbolized by flowers that have thorns.
When asked why flowers have thorns, the pilot says the first thing that comes into his head just to shut the Little Prince up because he is trying to free up a bolt on his crashed airplane.
The Little Prince doesn't take this lack of attention well and responds, "Flowers are weak creatures. They are naïve. They reassure themselves as best they can. They believe that their thorns are terrible weapons..."
It's a symbol of becoming a person who can set our own boundaries. We can define ourselves, and someone is going to find that we're not just the weak person they take us to be if they cross our boundaries.
But it isn't about attacking someone who crosses our boundaries. Thorns don't aim themselves like an arrow. They simply remain solidly in place, quietly and calmly doing their job.
To connect deeply with other people requires us to be a flower that's supremely attractive, while at the same time able to be peacefully fierce if necessary.
This isn't a trait we have to try to develop. It's not a front we put on, an act. On the contrary, it's a simple matter of being present.
You see, presence isn't just soft and welcoming, but also powerful and strong, able to take care of itself.
David Robert Ord is author of Your Forgotten Self Mirrored in Jesus the Christ and the audio book Lessons in Loving--A Journey into the Heart, both from Namaste Publishing, publishers of Eckhart Tolle and other transformational authors.
Join us in the daily blog Consciousness Rising for an in-depth understanding of how we become conscious, truly present in the whole of our life.
Self Development Plan
Each and every one of us has a yearning to achieve success in any endeavor that we'll take. Everyone aims that towards the closing stages of our lives we can proudly and truthfully say we successful succeeded. We are not naturally perceptive in achieving perfection in this world, but there is no reason why we are not able to turn our perceptions into reality. All it takes is dedication, discipline and willpower to enhance our Self Development. On this note, a well-thought Self Development plan plays a significant role in achieving a truthful realization of our success.
The importance of making a Self Development plan is vital to self-evaluation, thus, creating awareness in our moral value, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, conclusively resulting to self-sufficient, self-ruling and successful individuals.
Because achieving any specific goal requires transformation from the mental and physical point of view, it is imperative to have a list of plans to keep us in line with our goal to succeed. Three things, motivation, focus and plan, works hand in hand in preparing and directing your plan to recognition.
Depict yourself where you want to be five years from now; a successful doctor, painter or anybody you wish to become. Anticipate how it would feel savouring the success and fruit of your labour. Isn't that a rewarding feeling? This is simply how you'll motivate yourself. Motivation plays an important role in planning. As we all know, each and every one of us has our own meticulous strategy and drive get motivated or fueled up to achieve the goals we've set in our lives. This is just a matter of discipline, determination and willpower. Learn by heart that motivation must come from within us to make it effective. An ultimate Self Development plan can be convened effectively if keyed up by sincere and unsoiled motivation.
Focus comes next. Careful attention and ascertainment in developing your plan onto a complete success is as vital. Pay keen attention to the details of your life, career and education and turn it into reality. In some instances, we are held with more responsibilities and priorities, and we would normally lose our focus on what is more important. Set your goals. Write them down. Your written goals list can then be a valuable tool in keeping you on track.
And lastly, start outlining a concrete Self Development plan and use it as your guide in achieving your goals.
Here are some guides and techniques on how to create an effective Self development plan list.
1. What is my current status? - This list must consist of your current standing, your strength and weaknesses. Account a list of any feedback you hear from others about your attitude and character.
2. How would you gauge an ideal level of Self Development? This list must include the status you wish to achieve, improve on and the purpose for doing this.
3. What are my action plans? What are essential? - This list must include your necessary actions on how you can execute your plans into action. Consider all possible resources, e.g. training, seminars, self-help books, etc.
Everything is attainable if you have a mindset on the plans you can improve yourself with. The secret is to stay positive, think broadly enough but never lose your sense of balance. And it's always important to ensure that you enjoy what you're doing.
It is my credence that Self Development is the foundation of success and advancement in the course of life. A toast to all who works best to improve Self Development to achieve ultimate success in all accomplishments. Please visit my spot Self Development we are ready to lend a hand.
How to make Biogas Generator at Home 64
Biogas is one of the most commonly used renewable energy.It is widely used for many industrial and domestic applications.Biogas is a mixture of gases, mainly methane and carbon dioxide.It is produced by plant and animal wastes.Biogas is not produced by plant or animals themselves but is by the microorganisms.`
Biogas is not new,it has been used for over 200 years
Biogas has been used for more than 200 years.Before the usage of electricity, people in London drew biogas from sewer pipes and burn them in street lamps.And people always use biogas to light and warn house,to cook and fuel vehicles.
Use of Biogas at Home
Biogas is mainly used for cooking purpose at home.It is even cleaner than traditional cooking gas as it produces nearly no pollution.Furthermore, you can use the residual substances from making biogas as fertilizer.Therefore it is very environmentally friendly to use biogas.
It is advised to use food waste and plant waste to produce biogas at home.Animal waste is much more difficult to handle and has very unpleasant smell.
How to make Biogas Generator at Home
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By darhub
What is Biogas?
Biogas is one of the most commonly used renewable energy.It is widely used for many industrial and domestic applications.Biogas is a mixture of gases, mainly methane and carbon dioxide.It is produced by plant and animal wastes.Biogas is not produced by plant or animals themselves but is by the microorganisms.
cooking with biogas
Biogas is not new,it has been used for over 200 years
Biogas has been used for more than 200 years.Before the usage of electricity, people in London drew biogas from sewer pipes and burn them in street lamps.And people always use biogas to light and warn house,to cook and fuel vehicles.
Use of Biogas at Home
Biogas is mainly used for cooking purpose at home.It is even cleaner than traditional cooking gas as it produces nearly no pollution.Furthermore, you can use the residual substances from making biogas as fertilizer.Therefore it is very environmentally friendly to use biogas.
It is advised to use food waste and plant waste to produce biogas at home.Animal waste is much more difficult to handle and has very unpleasant smell.
Using Biogas for Cooking
Using Vegetable Food Waste to Produce Biogas
Step-by-step Biogas Generator Building Guide
If you are interested in using biogas at home,then I highly recommend FireDigester for you.It is a 140 page guide on how to build a biogas generator to generator your own clean power gas. The instructions in this book are very easy to understand with the help of many pictures.If I didn't read this book before,I would not be able to build my own biogas generator.
With fuel wood becoming increasingly expensive and also scarce in some parts of the Sri Lanka, there is a need to look for alternative cooking fuel. Cow manure and biogas technology provides a free, sustainable source of power all year round - and a better income for farmers.
On-farm biogas plants collect cow dung from specially adapted cattle sheds, mix it with water and channel it into fermentation pits. The resulting gas (of which 65% is methane) is produced as a by-product of this fermentation and is collected in a simple storage tank from where it is piped directly into the farmer's home to provide energy for cooking, laundry and lighting.
Practical Action has introduced over 60 new biogas schemes, meeting 75 per cent of household cooking needs, and is now working on setting standards for biogas systems in Sri Lanka.
Incomes have risen as women and girls are freed from up to two and a half hours a day of domestic labour (fuel collection, cleaning smoke-blackened utensils and disposing of animal waste), using the time instead for new income generating activities.
The biogas plants also produce a rich organic waste which is dried and used as fertiliser. Both fertiliser and fuel wood are increasingly expensive in the country and biogas has a potentially important future. It may also be used to manage organic waste in urban settings.
Practical Action has helped commercialise new biogas schemes and has worked with national authorities and universities and with local communities and institutions to ensure that biogas, which was a failing technology, has become a success.
Case studies
Mr Ratnayake and Biogas
Thanks to cow manure and biogas technology, Mr Ratnayake and his family not only have free, sustainable power all year round - but a better income as a result.
Extra energy from biogas
Practical Action were able to help a family of six in Vattavaan by showing them how the waste from their cows could provide them with all the energy they need.
5 secrets of blogging
Make drafts of your future posts, collect data and information related to the post and keep working on them. One of the reasons mostblogs fail or lose an audience is that they fail to to post consistently. Having a bunch drafts helps you when you run out of ideas and keeps you organized.
2. Become A Feed Ninja.
Read more post less. While you might not be Scoble and have the ability to read 600+ RSS feeds in a few hours, try to keep track of news around your niche and interests,blogs catch up on news faster than news sites. Reading will also help to give you more ideas for your next post. Practice makes you perfect.
3. Engage Users And Build Relationships
I have subscribed to every reader who has left a meaningful comment on my blog this helps me get to know my readers better and what they expect from my blog. Use Services like cocomments etc to keep track of comments.
4. Be Available And Accessible.
One of the key things of building relationships is to be easily accessible. I have added most of my regular reader on Gtalk and chat with some of the frequently (you can add me ajacob[at]clazh.com). I’ve helped some of them out when they ask me for help or advice.
5. Break News, Write Pillar Posts.
If you follow point 1 and 2 you’ll realize there are two types of post you can do. Break news or write Pillar post. Breaking news is hard you’ll need to watch your Rss feeds like a hawk, it has a few advantages, if its important news it will get picked up easily by other blogger. Writing Pillar post will make your article sticky, most of the traffic that I get are from my pillar posts.
What Are Pillar Posts? Source DailyBlogTips
Characteristics of pillar articles:
* they are longer posts
* usually above 750 words
* they offer a clear value to the reader
* their content is timeless
* their content is original and unique
* they outline the expertise of the writer around a specific topic
* they attract links from other bloggers
27 Blogging Secrets to Power Your Community
If I say they’re secrets, you’ll treasure them more, but the thing is, I share this with you daily. I do it right in front of you. But just this once, I’ll slow it down, and walk through it all. Fair?
27 Blogging Secrets to Power Your Community
Starter Moves
1. Best Premium WordPress Theme An intriguing title goes a long way towards getting people to the blog. Failing that, posts with numbers seem to work. Especially weird or odd numbers. 27 is odd.
2. A picture per blog post has been my trick for a while. It draws your eye, whether or not you want it to. We’re wired for it. I use Flickr Creative Commons photos to do that. (Make sure you give them adequate credit. I show that in this post, too.)
3. Did you ever notice most of my posts open by asking a question? That’s a secret. When I do that, you stop and think about the question. But more importantly, it shifts your mind to the “what’s in it for me” sphere that you started reading from in the first place. Make sense?
4. Break things up visually. Notice that I have an H3 tag (html speak) title repeating the top title, and that I’m using a list to give your eye some natural “chunking.” Go back and read cafe-shaped conversations for an example.
5. Oh, maybe I should’ve started the post by saying that it helps if you write something useful for people. People want posts they can use to improve themselves or their business.
6. Brevity rules. I mention this a lot. People just don’t read long posts (usually). There are exceptions. I read every word Ann Handley writes, and often wish for more.
7. Write “unfinished” posts. Having ways that others can add to a post or improve on it invites participation. This might just mean asking for ideas or getting a sense of what others’ experiences are.
8. Mix up the length of your posts, so that people can read varied length articles, like magazines and newspapers do.
9. Consider an editorial calendar, where you write down which TYPE of blog posts you’ve written lately, and which you intend to write. This helps you from doing recurring posts, and gives some variety to what you’re writing.
10. A nice clean blogging theme goes a long way. I’m a huge fan of Thesis for WordPress (so much so that I became an affiliate for it).
11. Make it easy for people to subscribe to your post. Most people stop at putting a big orange RSS button up in the corner of their blog. Check out my sidebar. Check out the Financial Aid Podcast. Look how many ways we show people how to stay connected to the community. That’s not by accident.
12. I’ve said it before. Claim your blog in Technorati. You don’t have to like Technorati. You don’t have to think it works well. But it triggers mechanisms you need.
13. Consider changing your permalinks structure. (In WordPress, this is in Settings/Permalinks. Where is it in MT or Blogger?) I learned this from Chris Pearson. Change it to custom and put /%postname%/. If you click on any post including this one, you’ll see it all written out in plain English without extra info. (This is a preference).
14. If you worry that a post might get “lifted,” or if you encourage people to repost your work with attribution (which I encourage), include a few links in the original post that will politely show people where the content came from. I learned this from Christopher S. Penn.
15. Consider every plugin and widget. Do they improve your blog or slow it down? Do they help you blog smarter?
16. Learn a little more HTML, just a bit. Learn how to make links, how to add photos, how to bold and italicize things, and that. If you’re stuck, Google or “view source” on blogs that do what you want to accomplish. (For example, I had to learn how to stop and start a numbered list with ol start=”10″ to write this.)
17. Don’t force people to register for an account to comment on the blog. Lots of people won’t. (Your mileage may vary, but corporations try this all the time because they’re worried about someone leaving a “your company sucks” comment on the blog. It doesn’t fix that. It slows down real discourse.)
18. Technology should serve your community and your content, not just be there. Consider every technological change with that lens.
19. Share your posts politely via social platforms. In Twitter, I usually ask a question, and provide a link to the blog post to see what people think. I don’t “blurt” the blog posts automatically. Not every post is worth Twitter.
20. Facebook has tools like Simplaris Blogcast that integrate your blog into Facebook. So does LinkedIn. This falls into my outposts strategy.
21. Link out to other blogs often.
22. Comment on other blogs often. Thoughtfully. Adding thoughtful comments to other people’s posts builds friendships. I was a passionate commenter on Copyblogger back when I had 10 subscribers on my blog. Brian was still really nice to me.
23. Remember to comment in your own comments section. Conversations with your readers turn them from readers into a community.
24. Showcase your community. I do this with my Rockstars page (which needs updating) and by taking the occasional guest post.
25. Be consistent. You don’t have to blog daily, but if you blog once a week, get at least a post a week. Need blog topics?
26. Repoint to the old stuff occasionally. It’s often still useful to new community members.
27. Keep giving. When you can’t think of what else to give, give some more. Being helpful is the #1 thing you can do for your community. Share your secrets. You can’t execute them all anyhow.
How to Become a Billionaire?
What Does It Take to Become a Billionaire? Research after research has shown that there are several things many self-made billionaires who started from scratch have in common.
Move to the right place. It is no coincident that almost all the young billionaires that we know of are from a particular state. Whether it is starting a new business or chasing a career, to make money in those two you have to choose the right location. Guys who made billions of dollars by creating Google and Facebook sites are from California. New York is the second best state where your chances of becoming rich is higher. It’s the vast amount of opportunities these regions offer for career fulfillment if anybody is willing to pursue; education and resources, both human and financial, localized more in these areas than any other parts of the country.
Go to Ivy League. Education is probably the most important thing besides perseverance that is needed to become a billionaire. Best education is obtained from best schools, such as Ivy League colleges. Nearly 20% of the billionaires went to Ivy League for their undergraduate degree. Harvard, Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business, Yale and Sanford University are some good examples.
Be a man. It turns out that being a man gives you better chance to make billions of dollars than being a woman. Oprah Winfrey is one of the only few exceptions; otherwise women makes less than 3% of all the self made billionaires in the world. There are couple of ways men are able to dominate this list; they tend to take more risks and venture investments to raise funds, and women are underrepresented in the top executive seats in various companies. One thing that recent research study has shown is that women continue to earn less while working in the same job positions.
Stay humble. Not everybody can reach a success right away. A lot of people face challenges. What self made billionaires do differently is that they accept their weaknesses and persevere. Just work hard, accept the reality and made the right judgments. These decisions makes a big difference later on.
September is the lucky day. Most of the self made billionaires were born in the month of September, eve though October 5 is the most common birth day. We aren’t really able to think of ways how getting born in this particular time of the year helps to make fortune over a time period.
Make your company public in China. It doesn’t matter what the world and media says about China. We are somehow made to think that this country is a communist nation where you don’t have a freedom to make tons of money, that the government will take your money away. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case. After US, China is the country where entrepreneurs who took their company public became a first time billionaire. Hongkong, Taiwan and India stand right next to it as a powerhouse for generating wealth.
Baby Boomers have better odds. The average age of people made billions themselves range between early and mid 60s. That’s the time when the economic recovery was happenings, all the businesses were hiring new workers and American economy was starting to create surplus in the budget.
Financial business is still the best way. We know a lot of new young generation billionaires became rich from high tech industry, but the old fashioned financial field is still the top option. Many of them got a good earning returns from their sound stock investments, hedge funds, bonds, ETFs, and treasury note deals. That’s the easiest way and continues to be the most common one.
Monday, November 22, 2010
How to Compensate Your Business Development Team 64
program and have decided what type of BDC you will have:
• a large, full-service BDC that includes customer service
representatives (CSR) who will team, you have committed to the
set service appointments and conduct CSI follow-up
•a small BDC that only handles sales leads
•a hybrid in which your store handles the BDC functions, while an outsource provider handles your CSR-related duties
First, let me say that there are literally hundreds of ways to set up compensation plans and none of them is “perfect.” The plan has to work not only for the dealership structure but also for the market, and markets vary immensely.
Having said that, it is important for every BDC comp plan to include a motivating factor which is either a bonus structure or an incentive component for performance.
Start with business development representatives (BDRs). This is an entry-level position for the BDC department. Let’s be clear that entry-level doesn’t imply that they are unskilled or untrained. It merely means that it is where everyone in this department starts. The BDR position should be paid a small base rate. Hourly may be the easiest, but a salary can be used. Just make sure that, in combination with hours worked, it is compliant with all minimum wage laws.
The balance of their pay should be an incentive bonus component based on the number of appointments that show (not just set). I want all BDRs focused on setting appointments, not pre-qualifying customers. There can even be an extra bonus for those who consistently exceed goals. For example, a BDR who averages more than five appointments that show per day is paid an additional bonus.
Another option is a commission-only BDR pay plan. No hourly wages are paid, just commission. In this case, it is usually based on shows and sales (for example, $15 per show plus $40 per sold show). Since the BDR is paid on both shows and sold shows, there is still incentive to avoid pre-qualifying any customers. However, management will need to watch closely for a lower effort level on customers who are perceived “no sales.”
I am aware of other commission-only pay plans that pay BDRs in a fashion similar to the new “flat rate” commission for salespeople (the same commission is paid regardless of gross). These BDRs make no base salary, but are paid five times the average per-show amount when compared to BDRs who make a base rate. Again, regardless of which pay plan you elect to use, I believe that the function of the BDC is to get appointments to show.
Tread carefully when paying BDRs on sales because human nature can lead to filtering and prioritizing for the benefit of the individual BDR rather than for the greater good of the store. My experience has shown that decision making about the priority of calls should already be made for a BDR. A significant factor in lost business is with short-time salespeople who either cannot or will not follow up as effectively as a BDC. When I ran a sales department, I wanted every opportunity possible, not just the ones that an individual (sales rep or BDR) deemed worthy. Too many cars are sold to those “unworthy” leads by your competitors. Relentless commitment to a BDC (regardless of type), coupled with a tenacious sales team, is how more cars are sold.
All shows must be evidenced to be paid. Every salesperson on your sales floor knows who they have sold to this month, and if you don’t pay them on a deal, they will absolutely let you know about it. The BDR should behave in the same fashion. They should keep records on appointments that show. If a customer was scheduled to come in and the floor team did not record it, you can bet the BDR who set that appointment will be researching to resolve it. This little layer of accountability will also improve the proper recording of all store traffic, meaning no more unrecorded ups.
BDRs can market themselves with a good “elevator pitch” that gives everyone who asks them what they do for a living a reason to call them for an appointment for themselves, their friends or family. A good sales representative is always prospecting so why shouldn’t a good BDR? It will only increase their income (and the dealership’s profitability).
Team leaders (TL) should be paid a base salary plus an incentive. However, the TL will not set as many daily appointments as BDRs due to the additional responsibilities of overseeing several BDRs. Therefore, their incentive should be based on the activity of their team. They help to push performance by showing, rather than just telling. What I mean is, TLs should be capable of posting consistent numbers while helping their team do the same and should be rewarded accordingly.
Depending on your local market, business development managers (BDM) should be paid a base salary of $26,000 to $49,000, plus a bonus. For many dealers, the BDM is the only member of the BDC who should have their bonus tied to sales. The BDC’s responsibility is to create traffic that generates enough sales to more than pay for the BDC department.
The biggest mistake made regarding BDC compensation is to overpay base salary. There has to be enough performance incentive for your staff to be motivated to earn the most that they can.
In addition to the basic compensation plans, there should be motivational incentives from time to time to keep the BDC “pumped up.” For example, if you have a large enough BDC to have more than one team, occasionally run a competition for a week or month. The team that maintains the highest average number of appointments, kept above an expected base, earns a bonus.
Before you decide on a plan or even the value of each component of the plan, you need to research your market so that you are offering competitive wages. Without that, your BDC will likely suffer higher-than average turnover.
As I mentioned in the beginning, there are many variations of pay plans. You just need to find the one that works best in your market and dealership. How many cars do you want to sell and how profitable do you want to be? When investing in the right people to work leads and follow up, remember the old saying: “You get what you pay for.”
Let me ask you two Questions?
Let me ask you two Questions?
1.) Do you consider yourself a positive person? ...
2.) Are you teachable, trainable and coachable? ...____________________________________________________
I ask many people this question; "Have you ever thought of changing careers?" 2 out of 3 say yes, I then ask "If you were going to change, what would be the ideal career for you? I listen to what they say asking some details along the way, then I end with, "If I find something close to what you're looking for, would you want me to call you? I wait 2-6 weeks and call them and say, "I have something very close to what you said would be ideal, we need to meet right now!" People are very responsive when you care, just be sure you do!
I am in partnership with a company that is expanding to a billion dollars a year in sales. They're currently at a quarter billion. I'm a representative and have the ability to interview qualified individuals to plug into a proven system of business. I don't know if you have the qualifications their looking for, but if you've ever considered a career change or other sources of income we may want to sit down for a few minutes and discuss it.
1 Do you have goals?
2 Are you dedicated to reaching them?
3 Do you want my help?
I have been very fortunate in business in the last few years, and the company that created the wealth with me is expanding to a billion dollars a year. They're currently at a quarter billion. They have asked me to act in the capacity of talent scout. I am looking to interview 10-12 people that have the qualifications the company is looking for and pick the best 1or 2 to work with for a period of 6-9 months. If you're looking for a career change or extra income we may want to talk.
The Opener: Shake hands and say " I know you're busy so I'll get right to the point.
Overview: We're in the process of constructing an international distribution pipeline. The purpose of this pipeline is to carry goods and services around the world 24/7. It's sort of a human Internet. We're looking for qualified people to help us build the pipeline. Once it's completed, the partners will be paid every time a product or service moves through the pipe. We've partnered with companies that produce world-class products and services, and I can give you more details on them later, the important thing is that people buy what they make.
The Benefits: Residual, reproductive income. No employees, no liability insurance, workman's comp, less than 10% overhead. The ability to write off a portion of your home. Low start-up investment with very high potential return. The advantage of a franchise, without the fees. Great products and great support.
The Downside: It's a new industry, called 1-to-1 marketing; it's a spin-off of the direct sales industry. Let me explain what I mean: On one side it's the most cost-effective, resource-efficient method of business. An ordinary person with drive has a real shot at building a very successful six or seven figure income. On the other side, the industry gets very little respect in the business world because it's been littered with people making wild claims to everyone that will listen, that they will get rich quick. The low cost of entry and the promise of wealth cast a very wide net. As a result, some people don't make the distinction between the company and the people. The good news is we're involved with a group of people that are doing it right. I just wanted you to know the whole story of what we're offering you so you can make a decision based on facts.
The People: We're involved with some world-class professional people whom I know you'll appreciate. At an appropriate time I can introduce you, so you can get a feel for the kind of group we have.
The Conclusion: Let me ask you, "Have I piqued your curiosity?" Because I carved out 25 minutes for this meeting, I just spent 3 minutes, would you like to invest the other 22?
Then go into a short get to know them interview. ____________________________________________________
(Review names list and determine which on fits)
I have decided to run a part time business from a home office... I think you really NEED to look at what I am doing... I think you would be very impressed... I am excited about making additional income... I think you may have the skills also to make this really work...! I am so excited... when can we get together...? I don't even want to try to explain it over the phone... I have a number of things I want to show you in person... what about Tuesday or Wednesday...what does your schedule look like... Tuesday at 1pm... great... see you then!
I wanted YOU to be one of the first people I called... I have decided to partner with an east coast company... become a distribution manager... and help market exclusive products... I am so excited... looks like there could be a lot of potential income working part-time... I need to find two qualified people to help me expand the business... I don't know if it is something you would be interested in... but I want you to at least look at it... so you cannot say I did not tell you when I am wealthy and retired...!
Hey...what are you doing right now??? I need to meet with you as soon as you can, I have something I cannot wait to tell you! I think this is what we have been looking for...
Are you as sick as I am worrying about money? I think I have found something we could partner in and make some serious income part-time...! Let's get together ASAP so I can show you...
I just started a new business and have decided to find a couple of key people who have the skills to help me expand... I know you are committed to other things right now and don't have time.... But... I would like to ask if you could do me a favor...? could you spend 45 minutes with me, let me give you a quick overview of what I am doing and see if any qualified people you know come to mind...? You may be able to give me some recommendations and referrals... like I said I know how busy you are, I would really appreciate it because I value your opinion....
You know ... I really trust your opinion... I need to ask a favor... well... I want you to look at a new business that is about to expand into Boise... I am thinking about working with them on a part time basis... and I would really appreciate it... if I could get some feedback from you... when can we have coffee...? I have some literature I want to show you...
You have been such a great customer and led me to other customers... my business is growing like crazy... and expanding... I am looking find a couple of qualified people who might be interested in partnering with me on a part time basis to make additional income... I would like to show you the business and how it works...if you are not interested you may know someone who would have the skills to help me expand......
Exclusive Product Preview
Product Presentation
Anti-Aging and Health Awareness Clinic/workshop
Health awareness Clinic
Hi _______________this is Heidi...how are you doing...? (visit -warm up the conversation)
Hey...the main reason I called was to ask if you could do me a favor? Well, I am in the process of training with a new company that is expanding into the area and I am helping to put together a 45 min. private showing of new & exclusive products we are introducing to the area... There are limited seats, and I would really like to have you there... I value your opinion, it is great information.... and I would really appreciate your feedback after the presentation...Great....hey, the guest speaker may be calling to confirm your seat at this presentation....
The main reason I called was to ask you a favor? I have decided to partner with an east company and work part time as a distribution manager to expand exclusive products and services into the area......we are doing a private showing of the products and I really need to have a couple of people there.....plus I would really like your opinion and feedback........ .....hey, because it is limited seating...the guest speaker may be calling to confirm your seat.......
Business Presentation
Business Briefing
Home Kick-off
Business Overview
Hi _______________this is Heidi...how are you doing?.....(visit -warm up the conversation)
Hey...the main reason I called was to ask if you could do me a favor? Well, I am in the process of training with a new company that is expanding into the area and I am helping to put together a 45 min by invitation only... Business Briefing ...to unveil a new business coming to the area....... There are limited seats, and I would really like to have you there...I value your opinion, it is great information.... and I would really appreciate your feedback after the briefing... Great...hey, the guest speaker may be calling to confirm your seat at this presentation...
The main reason I called was to ask you a favor? I have decided to partner with an east company and work part time as a distribution manager to expand exclusive products and services into the area... we are doing a by invitation only... Business briefing... to unveil a new business coming to the area.... I really need to have a couple of people there... plus I would really like your opinion and feedback...hey, because it is limited seating... the guest speaker may be calling to confirm your seat...
Indicate to your contact that this is by invitation only and ... there are limited seats...
Because of that the guest speaker may be giving them a quick call just to confirm that they will be there...
Submit a names list with numbers prior to the event to the guest speaker
This is some scripting we have come up with to build interest and credibility.
"We are engaged in a business venture that is creating huge wealth, Dan, I know that you are involved in business and doing well. I don't know how much money you make, or how much fun you're having doing what you do, but let me ask you a question. If you were exposed to a business venture which enabled you to create a lot of wealth, I'm talking multiples of six-figure ongoing income within the next 12 to 36 months, with a focused 8 to 10 per week, working with me, and it didn't require a compromise of your integrity or credibility, or your principles that you consider sacred, when would be a good time to sit down and have a cup of coffee with me, and hearing the rest of the story?"
If they say, "what is it?"
"The process is very simple, yet it has never been done before. What we do is look for young emerging companies that have proven products and markets, companies that lack the capitalization to take their products nationwide. We test market the products and if they meet our standards and profiles of profitability and performance, we then turn around and negotiate the exclusive rights to these products and we set up nationwide distribution. We become the pipeline! And in the process we make enormous amounts of money." Would tomorrow be good for you?"
"Now the system is built on going after the money that is allotted for distribution. The manufacturing costs are already set at about 5 to 7 percent, and hard to reduced. What we do is eliminate the money that goes to wholesalers, advertising, and the distribution process. We are in the process of perfecting a system of one-to-one marketing and mass customization, therein lies the key. We move products to the end consumer. When would be a good time to sit down and chat?"
The interview process is important, you want to get to know the person. It should take a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes of them talking.
Some good questions are:
1. Tell me about yourself. (We want to know schooling, family, business, kids).
2. What are your values, what are the principles that drive you in life?
3. Do you consider yourself an entrepreneur, or leader?
4. What are your strengths, or weaknesses?
5. Are you so committed to your profession, that if you were shown a business venture that could create huge wealth, would you want to take advantage of it?
6. Do you consider yourself a goal driven self-starter type person?
7. What is your one most passionate unfulfilled aspiration in life?
8. How do you affect people?
9. What should I know about you we haven't already discussed?
10. What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
11. If we brought you on as a partner, how long would it take for you to make a contribution to the team?
12. What is your management style?
13. Tell me about the most entrepreneurial thing you've ever done?
Then tell your story; remove all objections of fear of selling, MLM, or loss of credibility.
You can introduce Market America into the story like this:
The company we use to supply us the goods and services, printed material and even the system we use, is a 11-year-old company in NC called Market America. They are doing about 200 million a year wholesale. Their traded under the sign MARK, we are very proud to be in business with them.
We do not do covert business! The reason for the above statement is, we are "Independent Distributors". We are not employees of Market America.
This simple interview process has increased the sponsor rate dramatically.
Here is a basic script to get new customers using a Mall Talk catalog.
"Hi_____________ I haven't seen you in a while, but I need a little help. I am starting a new business, and I have been told I should focus on one or two products. I honestly don't know where to start. Would you look through this catalog, and maybe find one thing you would like to try, or something that may replace some product you currently use. It would really help to give me an idea which product area I should start with. I'll come back in 2 days and pick up your order, if you have one."
If you have been in M/A more than 6 months you can say; " I am expanding my business and I need a little help. Would you look through this catalog and maybe find one or two products you would like to try. That would help me in knowing where to expand. I'll come back in 2 days and pick up your order if you have one.
It's important to say "if you have one", that takes the pressure off of them and keeps the door open for later. If they say "I'm sorry, I didn't have time, or I forgot to look at the catalog", that's your answer. They don't want to buy and you won't get a real customer. The goal is not to pressure people. A friend may buy out of pity one time, but will that build a real customer base?
This system should get you somewhere between 4-7 out of 10. Be sure and leave the Mall Talk with the tenth person. It will be a little ragged by then and should not be given to anyone past that. Plus one person keeps it, and may call for more products. You should start with 5-10 Mall Talk Catalogs.
Work Hard for your Business!____________________________________________________
Welcome everyone, my name is ________________ and I am an Independent Distributor and UnFranchise Owner (if true) with Market America.
We do this luncheon here at________(name of restaurant) every _________(day of week) from noon to 1 pm.
The purpose of the luncheon is for those of us who are partners in Market America to give some information to those of you who are guests about an exciting, new business model launched in 1992. We call it the UnFranchise Business Development System.
It is like a Franchise because it is systemized, standardized, and uniform with state-of-the-art management systems, merchandising and marketing tools, and training.
It is unlike a Franchise because there are no franchise fees, no monthly royalties to pay, no territorial restrictions; it can be started part-time with minimal start up expense and really no risk.
Today, we will talk about three things relating to this business opportunity: what we do, a little about how we do it, and most importantly, why we do it.
Each one of us around this table that have become partners have a strong commitment to our individual and collective success. In the UnFranchise Business Development System, it takes all of us for any one of us to succeed. It is truly a team concept.
If you hear anything here today that makes sense to you, then you owe it to yourself, and those you care about, to get more information. We know that not everyone is ready or right for this business, but after hearing the presentation today, you may know someone who is looking for a change in their financial future. If you can refer us to those you think might have an interest, we can make it mutually profitable.
Everyone here today will have a part to play. If you are a partner in the business, tell us who you are, where you are from, what you do and why you are involved. What is your vision and how has Market America impacted your life?
If you are a guest, we would like to hear who you are, where you are from and what you do. There will be an opportunity at the end of the lunch for you to network here, with respect to your current business.
If everyone will limit their remarks to less than a minute, then we will be able to hear from everyone and finish on time.
(Go around the table for testimonies. Distributors should plan and rehearse a concise and powerful short version of their "2-minute commercial".)
The 45-Year Plan
The statistics that come from the Social Security Administration are surprising. Millions of people are surveyed and after working from the age of 20 to 65, for 45 years, only one percent is rich, with an income of $350,000 or more. 4%are "financially fit". They can stop working without changing their lifestyle. That's the good news. The other 95% don't do as well. 5% are still working. The continued drop in the value of the dollar and the recent downturn in the stock market has eroded the plans of millions, forcing more people than ever to remain in the workforce. 28% are dead. If these folks had had a little less financial stress and some OPC, that number might be smaller. The remaining 62% are dead broke, living on Social Security and less than $10K/year income! Isn't it sad that 95% of the people in the United States wind up still working, dead or dead broke, and no one ever stops to ask why? The answer is simple. 95% of the people work 45 years of their lives making the other 5% rich, because they were working a plan for someone else's success and not their own success.
The Trends
About every ten years, a new trend comes along that changes the way products get to market. Looking back to the 1930's, we saw the birth of door-to-door-selling with companies like Avon and Fuller Brush. Today, you might say you wouldn't want to be involved in something like that, but wouldn't you have loved to have a piece of one of those companies when they started out? You'd be set for life!
Another new idea called "franchising" came along in the 1950's with a man named Ray Crock. He had to talk to hundreds of people before he sold his first franchise for $10,000 and he offered a share of founder's stock as an inducement to get in. Today, one third of all the goods and services we use come to us through some sort of franchise, and that share of McDonald's founder's stock is worth well over a million dollars!
In the 1960's, multi-level marketing made its debut with companies like Shaklee, Amway and Mary Kay. Amway spent $20 million in court to legitimatize this way of moving products to the end consumer and triumphed over the federal government. Certainly many fortunes were made, but the vast majority of those that bought the dream of above average income woke up to the reality that the monthly sales volumes and massive recruiting that was required just didn't work for most people.
Then in the 1970's there was a resurgence of catalog sales, with companies like Land's End and L.L. Bean. In the 1980's we saw the advent of direct response T.V. The bankers laughed at the men who asked to borrow money so they could put products on the T.V. for people to buy with their credit cards. Today, everyone has heard of QVC and Home Shopping, but again, it was an idea whose time had come.
Then in the 1990's, the biggest paradigm shift of all came along with the Internet. It has changed the way we communicate, the way we think, the way we shop and the way we do business. Without the Internet, the UnFranchise Business Development System business wouldn't be possible.
Company History
It was in 1992 that Market America started in Greensboro, North Carolina. As a product brokerage company, we are like Home Shopping in that we don't manufacture anything. We study the demands of the marketplace and through our virtual Mall Without Walls on the Internet; we provide high quality, in-demand products to consumers. Nothing comes into our mall unless it is better in some way and very competitively priced.
Our first year in business, we did $1.4 million in sales, and in our 10th year, we did close to $200 million! We have always been a financially strong company with large cash reserves exceeding $60 million. Market America is a direct sales company, but is distinctly different from other companies, leading the parade with some innovative concepts called one-to-one marketing and mass customization. As UnFranchise Owners, we form close relationships with a handful of customers. We create and maintain ongoing dialog with those customers to discover what they want and need, then we bring it to them. We use word-of-mouth, the most powerful form of advertising, to get the information out about our life-changing products. Having a personal relationship with our customers, yet using the Internet to facilitate sales makes this a high-tech, high-touch company. Market America Distributors retail three times the national average, according to the Direct Selling Association, of which we are a member.
Currently, there are 14 stores in our Mall Without Walls. The Health and Nutrition Store is the most popular, followed by the Personal Care store, the Cosmetics Store and the Internet Store. Market America also has nearly 100 Affiliate Stores. These are large, well-known companies like Hallmark, Disney and Nordstrom's, just to name a few. As Distributors, we have state-of-the-art web portals, equipped with e-commerce, where our customers can shop on-line and commissions are generated when customers purchase the products they want and need.
Market America has a very lucrative pay plan that is unique in direct sales. We call it the 2-3 year plan, because by following our proven plan for success, a person can put themselves in the top 5% of income earners in the country in a few short years using duplication and the leverage the compensation plan provides. There really is an alternative to the 45-year plan. There are hundreds of people already earning 6 figure incomes, with thousands on their way. In addition to the United States and its U.S. territories. The UnFranchise Business Development System is open in Canada, Australia and soon Taiwan. This global expansion will soon make Market America a billion dollar, Fortune 500 Company and a household name.
If any of what was shared today made sense to you, then you owe it to yourself to get more information. Turn to the person that invited you here to set a time to get together and get your questions answered. We have many ways to give you more information: audiotapes, videotapes, CDs and business presentations called Second Looks. You can visit a web portal to view the Mall Without Walls and check out the company's financials and the Corporate Teams biographies. The harder you look, the better we look. If you leave here today without more information, then you may have chosen the 45 year plan. Think about a plan for your own financial success! Thanks for taking your time today to be with us.
The Role of Money in Our Lives
1. Money issues can be a source of stress and pressure.
2. It controls lives, attitudes and emotions.
3. Some are slaves to money—driven to make it and keep it.
4. We must straighten out our relationship with money.
5. Goal: Financial Attitude Adjustment
B. Matthew 6:24-33—Settle This: I Serve God. Money Serves Me.
1. Genesis 1:29: Seed was designed by God to serve us.
2. Psalm 104:14: Seed is for the service of man.
3. Mark 10:17-22: Example of a man serving money
4. Mark 12:41-44: Example of money serving a woman
a. 2 Corinthians 9:6: This is what she did.
C. 1 Timothy 6:10, 17-19: How We Conduct Ourselves With Money
1. Verse 10: The love of money is the root of all evil.
2. We don’t love money—we love God.
3. Verse 17: We don’t trust money—we trust God.
4. Verse 18: We are givers of money—not takers.
5. Money is a tool to help others.
D. My Confession of Faith
I settle this issue right now.
I adjust my financial attitude.
I do not serve money.
I am not a slave to money.
I serve God.
Money serves me.
I do not work for money.
Money works for me.
Money doesn’t control me—I control money.
Money doesn’t rule me—I rule money.
Money doesn’t dominate me—dominate money.
I fearlessly tithe as I am told.
I boldly give as I am led.
Money—you serve me.
Money—you obey me.
Money—you multiply, increase and produce maximum harvest.
Harvest—I command you to come to me now—in Jesus’ Name!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Watch television shows live on your Computer
4000 Live television shows from your PC.
No need of of a TV hardware. Pure picture - no monthly fee needed.
Watch television channels live anywhere. All you need is
our IP television software,
your computer, and Internet connection.
One of the most convenient things about live internet television is that since you are watching it on your
PC when a advertising comes around instead of having to sit through it you can just surf the web, which gets rid of the pain of advertisings.
Most people can't purchase the expensive TV packages often come from
companies who offer big list of stations.
This is where our Internet TV software comes in.
With this affordable and accessible commodity for your home, you can cut your monthly bill
in half and only think about online fees. Some shops such as coffeehouses and bookstores even
offer online access for a low price or for free depending on where you are.
Just put together a laptop, and Internet Connection
and our IP television software, which hosts television programs.
There are a few
free ones or you can purchase a software to join one of the many services working in that field.
Most of your favorite channels will also allow you to download their programs and watch them.
If you did not see a part of your favorite channel, don't give up, sometimes you can look it up and watch it on the web.
Future Opportunities- CHAIN OF RESTAURANT
The food service business is the third largest industry in the country. It accounts for over $240 billion annually in sales.Although the restaurant industry is very competitive, the lifestyle changes created by modern living continue to fuel its steady growth. More and more people have less time, resources, and ability to cook for themselves. Trends are very important and Trillions Chain of Restaurant is well positioned for the current interest in lighter, healthier foods at moderate to low prices.
The Menu
The Trillions Chain of Restaurant menu is moderate sized, and moderate-low priced offering a collection of ethnic and south Indian items with a common theme — healthy (low-fat, low cholesterol, natural ingredients), flavorful, and familiar. Our goal is to create the image of light satisfying and still nutritious food. There has been an increased awareness of nutritional and health concerns in recent years and a growing market of people who now eat this style of cooking regularly. A common menu is always available at 24*7.
Production & Services
Food production and assembly will take place in the kitchen of the restaurant. Fresh vegetables, meat and dairy products will be used to crate most of the dishes from scratch. The chef will exercise strict standards of sanitation, quality production, and presentation or packaging over the kitchen and service staff. There will be three ways a customer can purchase food. They may sit down at one of the 54 seats in the dining room and get full service from a waitperson. A separate take-out counter will service those who wish to pick up their food. Most take-out food will be prepared to order with orders coming from either the telephone or fax. Delivery (an indirect form of take-out) will be available at certain times and to a limited area.
There is a market segment that prefers to eat this type of cooking at home although they do not have the time to cook. There are already caterers and even mail order companies that provide individuals and families with up to a month’s supply of pre-prepared meals. This opportunity will be researched and developed on a trial basis. If successful, it could become a major new source of income without creating the need for additional staff or production space. The Target Market The market for Trillions Chain of Restaurant products covers a large area of diverse and densely populated groups. Although it will be located in a downtown urban setting, it is an area where people travel to eat out and one that is also frequented by tourists. It is also an area known for and catering to the demographic group we are targeting.
Many people are familiar with so-called photovoltaic cells, or solar panels, found on things like spacecraft, rooftops, and hand held calculators. The cells are made of semiconductor materials like those found in computer chips. When sunlight hits the cells, it knocks electrons loose from their atoms. As the electrons flow through the cell, they generate electricity.
On a much larger scale, solar thermal power plants employ various techniques to concentrate the sun energy as a heat source. The heat is then used to boil water to drive a steam turbine that generates electricity in much the same fashion as coal and nuclear power plants, supplying electricity for thousands of people. In one technique, long troughs of U-shaped mirrors focus sunlight on a pipe of oil that
runs through the middle. The hot oil then boils water for electricity generation.
A n o t h e r technique uses movable mirrors to focus the sun rays on a collector tower, where a receiver sits. Molten salt flowing through the receiver is heated to run a generator. Other solar technologies are passive. For example, big windows placed on the sunny side of a building allow sunlight to heat-absorbent materials on the floor and walls. These surfaces then release the heat at night to keep the building warm. Similarly, absorbent plates on a roof can heat liquid in tubes that supply a house with hot water.
Solar energy is lauded as an inexhaustible fuel source that is pollution and often noise free. The technology is also versatile. For example, solar cells generate energy for far-out places like satellites in Earth orbit and cabins deep in the Rocky Mountains as easily as they can power downtown buildings and futuristic cars. But solar energy doesn't work at night without a storage device such as a battery, and cloudy weather can make the technology unreliable during the day.
Solar technologies are also very expensive and require a lot of land area to collect the sun energy at rates useful to lots of people. Despite the drawbacks, solar energy use has surged at about 20 percent a year over the past 15 years, thanks to rapidly falling prices and gains in efficiency. Japan, Germany, and the United States are major markets for solar cells. With tax incentives, solar electricity can often pay for itself in five to ten years.
Wind is the movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. In fact, wind exists because the sun unevenly heats the surface of the Earth. As hot air rises, cooler air moves into fill the void. As long as the sun shines, the wind will blow. And as long as the wind blows, people will harness it to power their lives. Ancient mariners used sails to capture the wind and explore the world. Farmers once used windmills to grind their grains and pump water. Today, more and more people are using wind turbines to wring electricity from the breeze. Over the past decade, wind turbine use has increased at more than 25 percent a year. Still, it only provides a small fraction of the world’s energy. Most wind energy comes from turbines that can be as tall as a 20-story building and have three 200-foot-long (60-meter-long) blades. These contraptions look like giant airplane propellers on a stick. The wind spins the blades, which turn a shaft connected to a generator that produces electricity. Other turbines work the same way, but the turbine is on a vertical axis and the blades look like a giant egg beater.
The biggest wind turbines generate enough electricity to supply about 600 U.S. homes. Wind farms have tens and sometimes hundreds of these turbines lined up together in particularly windy spots, like along a ridge. Smaller turbines erected in a backyard can produce enough electricity for a single home or small business. Wind is a clean source of renewable energy that produces no air or water pollution. And since the wind is free, operational costs are nearly zero once a turbine is erected. Mass production and technology advances are making turbines cheaper, and many governments offer tax incentives to spur wind-energy development.
Some people think wind turbines are ugly and complain about the noise the machines make. The slowly rotating blades can also kill birds and bats, but not nearly as many as cars, power lines, and high-rise buildings do. The wind is also variable: If it’s not blowing, there’s no electricity generated. Nevertheless, the wind energy industry is booming. Globally, generation more than quadrupled between 2000 and 2006. At the end of last year, global capacity was more than 70,000 megawatts. In the energy-hungry United States, a single megawatt is enough electricity to power about 250 homes. Germany has the most installed wind energy capacity, followed by Spain, the United States, India, and Denmark. Development is also fast growing in France and China. Industry experts predict that if this pace of growth
continues, by 2050 the answer to one third of the world’s electricity needs will be found blowing in the wind
2. Wind energy Indian market potential
- India’s Power Sector despite Government of India’s (GOI) Endeavour to augment power generation capacity of different sources, demand and supply gap is increasing.
- Energy shortage in 2007 08 was estimated at 10% (touching 17% during peak seasons).
By 2012, India’s energy requirement to touch 975,222 MU (and peak demand 1,571,070 MU); an increase of 31.9% and 44.3% respectively from the current demand.
- GOI aims to increase the per capita consumption of electricity to 1000 units by year 2012, envisaged a capacity addition of 100,000 MW to meet its mission of ‘Power for All by 2012.( Central Electricity Authority (CEA) estimates )
- Currently 24.7 % of installed energy generation capacity is from hydro power, 64.6% from thermal generation including gas;
- Nuclear energy constitutes about 2.9% and non conventional energy sources, of which wind energy is predominant, constitute about 7.7%; Source: - Ministry of Power, Government of India (as on Feb 28, 2009) 3rd slide
- India’s power sector
3. Wind energy sector
Wind, hydro, biomass and solar are the main renewable energy sources;
Wind energy has posted the highest growth rates;
26.95 billion units of electricity were generated from wind during 2005 06 to 2007 08;
In 2008, India added 1,800 MW taking the total wind energy installed capacity to 9,645 MW;
This placed it in the 5th position in the world, after USA (25,170 MW), Germany (23,900 MW), Spain (16,754 MW) and China (12,210 MW); (Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India)Wind power energy target against achievement (Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India) Wind Energy: GOI Policy
Under the 11th Five Year Plan (2007 to 2012), GOI has envisaged plans to increase the installed capacity of renewable energy to 10 per cent of total power generation; Out of 70,000 MW installed capacity addition during the 11th Plan period, 14,500 MW (about 20%) capacity additions is proposed from renewable.;
A bulk of the proposed renewable power capacity addition is expected through private investment, for which a suitable policy environment would need to continue; · A target of 10,500 MW has been fixed for Eleventh Five Year Plan for wind power capacity addition through commercial projects with private sector investments; (Source: Planning Commission, Government of India )
GOI has taken various steps to promote Wind Energy in the country; In the 11th Five Year Plan the Government has announced Central Financial Assistance schemes (CFA) for the Grid interactive renewable power projects;
The government provides subsidies for the distributed/ decentralized power projects that are and also dispersed generation of electricity;
A provision of Rs.75 crore is being kept for demonstration wind power project in States where there is sizable potential but no commercial activity has commenced;
GOI has announced Generation based incentives (GBI) for Grid Interactive Wind Power Projects†during 2008 09 to 2011 12.
(Source: Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Government of India)
4. Wind energy potential
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh account for over 99% of wind power installations in India
The state wise achievement in the last three years. (Source: Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Government of India)
The capacity addition depends on various factors such as quality of wind potential, land availability for wind power generation and grid penetration etc; ( Source: Center for Wind Energy Technology)
According to an assessment of AWS True wind, India has an wind potential of 65,000 MW;
There are land areas with excellent wind project potential where wind speeds exceed 9.0 m/s at 80 meter hub height in some of the higher elevations;
Lower elevation areas also show promise with speeds at 100 m height ranging from 6.5 m/s 8.0 m/s;
The significant resource coupled with continued government support makes India a very attractive location for wind development
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Kaneva Texas Hold'em Poker!
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Kaneva Texas Hold'em Poker!
Kaneva opens up the viral and social APIs used in the popular Kaneva Texas Hold'em to all 3D application developers. This is very exciting for developers to be able to add leader boards, badges, automatic blasting and leveling to their 3D applications. We look forward to seeing the innovative and creative things our developer community comes up with next.
Learn how to develop a Kaneva 3D App at http://developer.kaneva.com
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Congratulations - SmileySmile!
Enjoy some classic arcade action in 3D in SmileySmile's new 3D application Fun and Games. This is a great example of what can be done using the Kaneva 3D Apps platform please check out her hard work. Want your chance to win $1,000? Create a 3D App Game add some fun game play and get as many players as you can to win!
Kaneva holds weekly Game Developer meetings each Wednesday at 3pm EDT in the Developer Central 3D Application inside the World of Kaneva.
Again, congratulations to SmileySmile for winning October's Game Development Contest!
To learn more visit http://developer.kaneva.com/info/Kaneva-3D-Apps-Contest.aspx
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