"We're in a unique situation. We are in the process of interviewing 10 people, and out of those 10, we are choosing just 2 who will be well on their way to making $75,000-$100,000 a year, within 18-36 months working with us eight to ten hours per week.
Let me ask you two Questions?
1.) Do you consider yourself a positive person? ...
2.) Are you teachable, trainable and coachable? ...____________________________________________________
I ask many people this question; "Have you ever thought of changing careers?" 2 out of 3 say yes, I then ask "If you were going to change, what would be the ideal career for you? I listen to what they say asking some details along the way, then I end with, "If I find something close to what you're looking for, would you want me to call you? I wait 2-6 weeks and call them and say, "I have something very close to what you said would be ideal, we need to meet right now!" People are very responsive when you care, just be sure you do!
I am in partnership with a company that is expanding to a billion dollars a year in sales. They're currently at a quarter billion. I'm a representative and have the ability to interview qualified individuals to plug into a proven system of business. I don't know if you have the qualifications their looking for, but if you've ever considered a career change or other sources of income we may want to sit down for a few minutes and discuss it.
1 Do you have goals?
2 Are you dedicated to reaching them?
3 Do you want my help?
I have been very fortunate in business in the last few years, and the company that created the wealth with me is expanding to a billion dollars a year. They're currently at a quarter billion. They have asked me to act in the capacity of talent scout. I am looking to interview 10-12 people that have the qualifications the company is looking for and pick the best 1or 2 to work with for a period of 6-9 months. If you're looking for a career change or extra income we may want to talk.
The Opener: Shake hands and say " I know you're busy so I'll get right to the point.
Overview: We're in the process of constructing an international distribution pipeline. The purpose of this pipeline is to carry goods and services around the world 24/7. It's sort of a human Internet. We're looking for qualified people to help us build the pipeline. Once it's completed, the partners will be paid every time a product or service moves through the pipe. We've partnered with companies that produce world-class products and services, and I can give you more details on them later, the important thing is that people buy what they make.
The Benefits: Residual, reproductive income. No employees, no liability insurance, workman's comp, less than 10% overhead. The ability to write off a portion of your home. Low start-up investment with very high potential return. The advantage of a franchise, without the fees. Great products and great support.
The Downside: It's a new industry, called 1-to-1 marketing; it's a spin-off of the direct sales industry. Let me explain what I mean: On one side it's the most cost-effective, resource-efficient method of business. An ordinary person with drive has a real shot at building a very successful six or seven figure income. On the other side, the industry gets very little respect in the business world because it's been littered with people making wild claims to everyone that will listen, that they will get rich quick. The low cost of entry and the promise of wealth cast a very wide net. As a result, some people don't make the distinction between the company and the people. The good news is we're involved with a group of people that are doing it right. I just wanted you to know the whole story of what we're offering you so you can make a decision based on facts.
The People: We're involved with some world-class professional people whom I know you'll appreciate. At an appropriate time I can introduce you, so you can get a feel for the kind of group we have.
The Conclusion: Let me ask you, "Have I piqued your curiosity?" Because I carved out 25 minutes for this meeting, I just spent 3 minutes, would you like to invest the other 22?
Then go into a short get to know them interview. ____________________________________________________
(Review names list and determine which on fits)
I have decided to run a part time business from a home office... I think you really NEED to look at what I am doing... I think you would be very impressed... I am excited about making additional income... I think you may have the skills also to make this really work...! I am so excited... when can we get together...? I don't even want to try to explain it over the phone... I have a number of things I want to show you in person... what about Tuesday or Wednesday...what does your schedule look like... Tuesday at 1pm... great... see you then!
I wanted YOU to be one of the first people I called... I have decided to partner with an east coast company... become a distribution manager... and help market exclusive products... I am so excited... looks like there could be a lot of potential income working part-time... I need to find two qualified people to help me expand the business... I don't know if it is something you would be interested in... but I want you to at least look at it... so you cannot say I did not tell you when I am wealthy and retired...!
Hey...what are you doing right now??? I need to meet with you as soon as you can, I have something I cannot wait to tell you! I think this is what we have been looking for...
Are you as sick as I am worrying about money? I think I have found something we could partner in and make some serious income part-time...! Let's get together ASAP so I can show you...
I just started a new business and have decided to find a couple of key people who have the skills to help me expand... I know you are committed to other things right now and don't have time.... But... I would like to ask if you could do me a favor...? could you spend 45 minutes with me, let me give you a quick overview of what I am doing and see if any qualified people you know come to mind...? You may be able to give me some recommendations and referrals... like I said I know how busy you are, I would really appreciate it because I value your opinion....
You know ... I really trust your opinion... I need to ask a favor... well... I want you to look at a new business that is about to expand into Boise... I am thinking about working with them on a part time basis... and I would really appreciate it... if I could get some feedback from you... when can we have coffee...? I have some literature I want to show you...
You have been such a great customer and led me to other customers... my business is growing like crazy... and expanding... I am looking find a couple of qualified people who might be interested in partnering with me on a part time basis to make additional income... I would like to show you the business and how it works...if you are not interested you may know someone who would have the skills to help me expand......
Exclusive Product Preview
Product Presentation
Anti-Aging and Health Awareness Clinic/workshop
Health awareness Clinic
Hi _______________this is Heidi...how are you doing...? (visit -warm up the conversation)
Hey...the main reason I called was to ask if you could do me a favor? Well, I am in the process of training with a new company that is expanding into the area and I am helping to put together a 45 min. private showing of new & exclusive products we are introducing to the area... There are limited seats, and I would really like to have you there... I value your opinion, it is great information.... and I would really appreciate your feedback after the presentation...Great....hey, the guest speaker may be calling to confirm your seat at this presentation....
The main reason I called was to ask you a favor? I have decided to partner with an east company and work part time as a distribution manager to expand exclusive products and services into the area......we are doing a private showing of the products and I really need to have a couple of people there.....plus I would really like your opinion and feedback........ .....hey, because it is limited seating...the guest speaker may be calling to confirm your seat.......
Business Presentation
Business Briefing
Home Kick-off
Business Overview
Hi _______________this is Heidi...how are you doing?.....(visit -warm up the conversation)
Hey...the main reason I called was to ask if you could do me a favor? Well, I am in the process of training with a new company that is expanding into the area and I am helping to put together a 45 min by invitation only... Business Briefing ...to unveil a new business coming to the area....... There are limited seats, and I would really like to have you there...I value your opinion, it is great information.... and I would really appreciate your feedback after the briefing... Great...hey, the guest speaker may be calling to confirm your seat at this presentation...
The main reason I called was to ask you a favor? I have decided to partner with an east company and work part time as a distribution manager to expand exclusive products and services into the area... we are doing a by invitation only... Business briefing... to unveil a new business coming to the area.... I really need to have a couple of people there... plus I would really like your opinion and feedback...hey, because it is limited seating... the guest speaker may be calling to confirm your seat...
Indicate to your contact that this is by invitation only and ... there are limited seats...
Because of that the guest speaker may be giving them a quick call just to confirm that they will be there...
Submit a names list with numbers prior to the event to the guest speaker
This is some scripting we have come up with to build interest and credibility.
"We are engaged in a business venture that is creating huge wealth, Dan, I know that you are involved in business and doing well. I don't know how much money you make, or how much fun you're having doing what you do, but let me ask you a question. If you were exposed to a business venture which enabled you to create a lot of wealth, I'm talking multiples of six-figure ongoing income within the next 12 to 36 months, with a focused 8 to 10 per week, working with me, and it didn't require a compromise of your integrity or credibility, or your principles that you consider sacred, when would be a good time to sit down and have a cup of coffee with me, and hearing the rest of the story?"
If they say, "what is it?"
"The process is very simple, yet it has never been done before. What we do is look for young emerging companies that have proven products and markets, companies that lack the capitalization to take their products nationwide. We test market the products and if they meet our standards and profiles of profitability and performance, we then turn around and negotiate the exclusive rights to these products and we set up nationwide distribution. We become the pipeline! And in the process we make enormous amounts of money." Would tomorrow be good for you?"
"Now the system is built on going after the money that is allotted for distribution. The manufacturing costs are already set at about 5 to 7 percent, and hard to reduced. What we do is eliminate the money that goes to wholesalers, advertising, and the distribution process. We are in the process of perfecting a system of one-to-one marketing and mass customization, therein lies the key. We move products to the end consumer. When would be a good time to sit down and chat?"
The interview process is important, you want to get to know the person. It should take a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes of them talking.
Some good questions are:
1. Tell me about yourself. (We want to know schooling, family, business, kids).
2. What are your values, what are the principles that drive you in life?
3. Do you consider yourself an entrepreneur, or leader?
4. What are your strengths, or weaknesses?
5. Are you so committed to your profession, that if you were shown a business venture that could create huge wealth, would you want to take advantage of it?
6. Do you consider yourself a goal driven self-starter type person?
7. What is your one most passionate unfulfilled aspiration in life?
8. How do you affect people?
9. What should I know about you we haven't already discussed?
10. What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
11. If we brought you on as a partner, how long would it take for you to make a contribution to the team?
12. What is your management style?
13. Tell me about the most entrepreneurial thing you've ever done?
Then tell your story; remove all objections of fear of selling, MLM, or loss of credibility.
You can introduce Market America into the story like this:
The company we use to supply us the goods and services, printed material and even the system we use, is a 11-year-old company in NC called Market America. They are doing about 200 million a year wholesale. Their traded under the sign MARK, we are very proud to be in business with them.
We do not do covert business! The reason for the above statement is, we are "Independent Distributors". We are not employees of Market America.
This simple interview process has increased the sponsor rate dramatically.
Here is a basic script to get new customers using a Mall Talk catalog.
"Hi_____________ I haven't seen you in a while, but I need a little help. I am starting a new business, and I have been told I should focus on one or two products. I honestly don't know where to start. Would you look through this catalog, and maybe find one thing you would like to try, or something that may replace some product you currently use. It would really help to give me an idea which product area I should start with. I'll come back in 2 days and pick up your order, if you have one."
If you have been in M/A more than 6 months you can say; " I am expanding my business and I need a little help. Would you look through this catalog and maybe find one or two products you would like to try. That would help me in knowing where to expand. I'll come back in 2 days and pick up your order if you have one.
It's important to say "if you have one", that takes the pressure off of them and keeps the door open for later. If they say "I'm sorry, I didn't have time, or I forgot to look at the catalog", that's your answer. They don't want to buy and you won't get a real customer. The goal is not to pressure people. A friend may buy out of pity one time, but will that build a real customer base?
This system should get you somewhere between 4-7 out of 10. Be sure and leave the Mall Talk with the tenth person. It will be a little ragged by then and should not be given to anyone past that. Plus one person keeps it, and may call for more products. You should start with 5-10 Mall Talk Catalogs.
Work Hard for your Business!____________________________________________________
Welcome everyone, my name is ________________ and I am an Independent Distributor and UnFranchise Owner (if true) with Market America.
We do this luncheon here at________(name of restaurant) every _________(day of week) from noon to 1 pm.
The purpose of the luncheon is for those of us who are partners in Market America to give some information to those of you who are guests about an exciting, new business model launched in 1992. We call it the UnFranchise Business Development System.
It is like a Franchise because it is systemized, standardized, and uniform with state-of-the-art management systems, merchandising and marketing tools, and training.
It is unlike a Franchise because there are no franchise fees, no monthly royalties to pay, no territorial restrictions; it can be started part-time with minimal start up expense and really no risk.
Today, we will talk about three things relating to this business opportunity: what we do, a little about how we do it, and most importantly, why we do it.
Each one of us around this table that have become partners have a strong commitment to our individual and collective success. In the UnFranchise Business Development System, it takes all of us for any one of us to succeed. It is truly a team concept.
If you hear anything here today that makes sense to you, then you owe it to yourself, and those you care about, to get more information. We know that not everyone is ready or right for this business, but after hearing the presentation today, you may know someone who is looking for a change in their financial future. If you can refer us to those you think might have an interest, we can make it mutually profitable.
Everyone here today will have a part to play. If you are a partner in the business, tell us who you are, where you are from, what you do and why you are involved. What is your vision and how has Market America impacted your life?
If you are a guest, we would like to hear who you are, where you are from and what you do. There will be an opportunity at the end of the lunch for you to network here, with respect to your current business.
If everyone will limit their remarks to less than a minute, then we will be able to hear from everyone and finish on time.
(Go around the table for testimonies. Distributors should plan and rehearse a concise and powerful short version of their "2-minute commercial".)
The 45-Year Plan
The statistics that come from the Social Security Administration are surprising. Millions of people are surveyed and after working from the age of 20 to 65, for 45 years, only one percent is rich, with an income of $350,000 or more. 4%are "financially fit". They can stop working without changing their lifestyle. That's the good news. The other 95% don't do as well. 5% are still working. The continued drop in the value of the dollar and the recent downturn in the stock market has eroded the plans of millions, forcing more people than ever to remain in the workforce. 28% are dead. If these folks had had a little less financial stress and some OPC, that number might be smaller. The remaining 62% are dead broke, living on Social Security and less than $10K/year income! Isn't it sad that 95% of the people in the United States wind up still working, dead or dead broke, and no one ever stops to ask why? The answer is simple. 95% of the people work 45 years of their lives making the other 5% rich, because they were working a plan for someone else's success and not their own success.
The Trends
About every ten years, a new trend comes along that changes the way products get to market. Looking back to the 1930's, we saw the birth of door-to-door-selling with companies like Avon and Fuller Brush. Today, you might say you wouldn't want to be involved in something like that, but wouldn't you have loved to have a piece of one of those companies when they started out? You'd be set for life!
Another new idea called "franchising" came along in the 1950's with a man named Ray Crock. He had to talk to hundreds of people before he sold his first franchise for $10,000 and he offered a share of founder's stock as an inducement to get in. Today, one third of all the goods and services we use come to us through some sort of franchise, and that share of McDonald's founder's stock is worth well over a million dollars!
In the 1960's, multi-level marketing made its debut with companies like Shaklee, Amway and Mary Kay. Amway spent $20 million in court to legitimatize this way of moving products to the end consumer and triumphed over the federal government. Certainly many fortunes were made, but the vast majority of those that bought the dream of above average income woke up to the reality that the monthly sales volumes and massive recruiting that was required just didn't work for most people.
Then in the 1970's there was a resurgence of catalog sales, with companies like Land's End and L.L. Bean. In the 1980's we saw the advent of direct response T.V. The bankers laughed at the men who asked to borrow money so they could put products on the T.V. for people to buy with their credit cards. Today, everyone has heard of QVC and Home Shopping, but again, it was an idea whose time had come.
Then in the 1990's, the biggest paradigm shift of all came along with the Internet. It has changed the way we communicate, the way we think, the way we shop and the way we do business. Without the Internet, the UnFranchise Business Development System business wouldn't be possible.
Company History
It was in 1992 that Market America started in Greensboro, North Carolina. As a product brokerage company, we are like Home Shopping in that we don't manufacture anything. We study the demands of the marketplace and through our virtual Mall Without Walls on the Internet; we provide high quality, in-demand products to consumers. Nothing comes into our mall unless it is better in some way and very competitively priced.
Our first year in business, we did $1.4 million in sales, and in our 10th year, we did close to $200 million! We have always been a financially strong company with large cash reserves exceeding $60 million. Market America is a direct sales company, but is distinctly different from other companies, leading the parade with some innovative concepts called one-to-one marketing and mass customization. As UnFranchise Owners, we form close relationships with a handful of customers. We create and maintain ongoing dialog with those customers to discover what they want and need, then we bring it to them. We use word-of-mouth, the most powerful form of advertising, to get the information out about our life-changing products. Having a personal relationship with our customers, yet using the Internet to facilitate sales makes this a high-tech, high-touch company. Market America Distributors retail three times the national average, according to the Direct Selling Association, of which we are a member.
Currently, there are 14 stores in our Mall Without Walls. The Health and Nutrition Store is the most popular, followed by the Personal Care store, the Cosmetics Store and the Internet Store. Market America also has nearly 100 Affiliate Stores. These are large, well-known companies like Hallmark, Disney and Nordstrom's, just to name a few. As Distributors, we have state-of-the-art web portals, equipped with e-commerce, where our customers can shop on-line and commissions are generated when customers purchase the products they want and need.
Market America has a very lucrative pay plan that is unique in direct sales. We call it the 2-3 year plan, because by following our proven plan for success, a person can put themselves in the top 5% of income earners in the country in a few short years using duplication and the leverage the compensation plan provides. There really is an alternative to the 45-year plan. There are hundreds of people already earning 6 figure incomes, with thousands on their way. In addition to the United States and its U.S. territories. The UnFranchise Business Development System is open in Canada, Australia and soon Taiwan. This global expansion will soon make Market America a billion dollar, Fortune 500 Company and a household name.
If any of what was shared today made sense to you, then you owe it to yourself to get more information. Turn to the person that invited you here to set a time to get together and get your questions answered. We have many ways to give you more information: audiotapes, videotapes, CDs and business presentations called Second Looks. You can visit a web portal to view the Mall Without Walls and check out the company's financials and the Corporate Teams biographies. The harder you look, the better we look. If you leave here today without more information, then you may have chosen the 45 year plan. Think about a plan for your own financial success! Thanks for taking your time today to be with us.
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