Sunscreens – protects skin from harmful radiations from the Sun
Posted by admin on November 7th, 2010
Sunscreen is something which is known to almost everyone. Almost everyone might have heard this name. It is mostly used in the sunscreen products that are brought into use for protecting skin from the harmful Ultra Violet radiations from the sun. These are those products that are documented as relevant products and are quite helpful in reflecting the harmful radiations from the sun and hence reduce the probability of sunburns on the human skin. These are not newly launched products and have been in the market for more than 70 years. The first sunscreen product was launched in the year 1938 by famous chemist named as Will Baltzer.
Since then, so many new advancements have been brought up in this field and today, markets are flooded with such products under different brand name and tags. If we go for some latest sunscreen products launched recently, then these are associated with some more benefits and among them the prior one is the skin whitening. In olden times, sunscreen products used to prevent sunburns and if caused then the original color of skin could not be recovered. But now, with the help of some latest sun screen products launched recently, if you use them after the sunburn effect on your skin, then also the original color of skin can be recovered.
Apart from this, another benefit is that, it is now available not only in gel form but also available in different forms such as in the form of spray, water proof lotion etc. Hence, now after the application of sunscreen products once on your skin, if it gets wet with water then also you need not to apply it again as it is water proof and hence water can not disturb the functioning of these products. Hence, it seems to be he best products for those who frequently dip inside the water and come out again and again.
There are so many natural and environmental sunscreen products that are composed of something that have been extracted from nature. Some of the ingredients of these products are titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, green tea etc. These ingredients are made combine together so as offer some additional protection to the human skin from Ultra Violet radiations coming from sun. Such type of sunscreen products are stipulated generally in those regions that are nearer to the tropical regions. This is so because if ordinary products are brought into use in these areas then these may reach harm to eco system.
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Skin care – prevents skin from getting damaged
Posted by admin on September 25th, 2010
Skin care is something which is very common term to be listened from anyone in this age because people are now too much conscious for their skin. They go on spending hours both at evening and in morning time so as to take care of their skin but still it seems to be useless because the very basic thing that is important to take care of skin is to keep it simple. If you leave everything that you have been doing to take care of your skin and go on embracing simplicity in it then it will bring lot more changes. There are some common mistakes that are committed by people while they care for their skin.
The very common thinking that can be found in almost people is that “more will be better”. It simply refers to the fact and mentality of people that if anything in small proportion is good then it’s bigger proportion would be much better. It is quite important to say that there is a particular limit of everything and if that limit is crossed then it may turn to be dangerous. For example, if perfumes or skin lotion in small quantity is helpful and effective then it should not be used in large quantity because it may impart adverse effects on skin.
Secondly, use of soap should be avoided and if it is used ten it should be preferred or prescribed by skin specialist. Generally the soaps that are available in the market are quite rich of harmful chemicals that may be having good fragrance but ultimately from the skin point of view, they seem to be harmful. Such soap removes the natural layer of oil from the skin surface and makes it dry. Many people think that if they clean their skin once in a day then it will be the best care for their skin. But they are reaching harm to their skin indirectly. Hence it does not matter that when you get free, as soon as you reach home, you should clean that portion of your skin which remains exposed openly.
There are so many people who think that they take much care of their skin but they don’t drink enough water. Hence it can be said that they don’t agree with their own saying because if they don’t drink enough water, their skin will become dry and hence more and more water must be drunk. Lastly, skin must be protected from UV radiations from the sun. Many people do not cover their skin while they move out. Hence this mistake should be avoided.
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