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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Are you sick of paying more than $4 a gallon for gasoline only to see the prices continue to rise? Are you sick of lining the pockets of the billionaires in the oil game that rake in obscene salaries while people like you and I suffer as we struggle to put enough gas in our cars to get to work each day? If so, maybe you, like many other people, would like to find a better way to fuel your car. After all, where is it written that we have to use gasoline. Other products throughout the years have been tested but most tests of products have been halted because they infringe on the profits of the big money oil tycoons.
Naturally, with today’s gas prices, you are thinking about alternate ways to make your car run without the high cost of gasoline. You have probably also noticed that there are ads on the internet about making your car run on water and have most likely wondered “what’s that all about?” Can you really make your car run on water and if so, how?
Actually automobile manufacturers are already experimenting with this possibility. Hydrogen operated cars are in the future for all of us. We already know the power of water as we watch water power in places like Hoover Dam. Imagine being able to allow the pressure of water build up and convert to hydrogen and oxygen, thus allowing your car to run? This is not some pipe dream but reality.
Why aren’t water operated cars already being used? They are being produced, just not yet introduced to the public. It took more than 20 years for the electric car to be introduced to the public. The electric car, such as the Smart Car of America, runs solely on electric energy and there is nearly a one year waiting list for the car. Clearly, there is a need for Americans to run their cars on something other than gasoline.
What we do not realize is that gasoline is not a required fuel it is an alternate fuel that we use to get our cars to run. Gasoline and natural gas used to be cheap. It used to be the most inexpensive way to get a car to run and natural gas used to be the cheapest way to heat a house. What other ways were there to heat a house? Water. But for some reason, natural gas won. It was considered the cheaper alternate.
Then environmentalists began to study the emissions the gasoline was making into the air and saw that it was really adding to pollution. People like to pick on environmentalists a lot. They like to call them “tree huggers” and other names. But in truth, if it wasn’t for these folks who are willing to stick their necks out to make sure we have clean air and water, we wouldn’t have clean air or water. Even those who do not consider themselves environmentalists can appreciate that.
So environmentalists began to make sure the emissions in the cars were not polluting the air as much. Ethanol is now used to add to gasoline so that it runs cleaner. Today, the price of oil is sky high. While years ago, most of our oil was drilled and produced by the United States, today we get most of it overseas. And the cost continues to rise. Countries that are rich in oil, like Saudi Arabia, are dripping in diamonds. Oil barons in Texas, Oklahoma and the heads of oil companies are making obscene amounts of money. Meanwhile, the rest of us are putting $5 into the car at a time because we find that $450 is too much to pay for gasoline.
The price of gasoline fluctuates. But it has continued to rise steadily since the 1970s. Since we began importing our oil, we have found that we are pretty much being blackmailed into paying whatever price is set by the overseas cartel. And as the price of oil has risen over the years, the value of the dollar has declined.
But this is not a history lesson about oil and how it has continued to rise in price, along with the cost of gasoline which is made from this oil. This is about beating the oil barons at their own game and still getting your car to run.
Anything can run on hydrogen and oxygen being burned, including an engine. If you convert water into hydrogen and oxygen, you can use water, ordinary tap water, as a fuel instead of gasoline in your car. Sounds too good to be true? Ford and Chevy are already experimenting with hydrogen operated cars. But, again, it will be years before they reach the pubic, and when they do, you can bet that there will be waiting list a mile long for those cars.
Meanwhile, you can use this guide as a way to actually convert your own car into a car that is run on water.
No longer do you have to be beholden to the oil companies for the power to drive your vehicle and get to work each day. No longer do you have to be grateful for a way to get a few bucks to fill up your tank. Now you can fill it with water and away you go.
Now, don’t start thinking that you can just fill up your tank with water and run the car - it doesn’t work like that. You have to convert your car and install a water tank, reaction chamber, gauges and a control circuit that has to be hooked up to your existing carburettor. This has to be done in order for you to get started making your car run on water.
If you follow the plans outlined in this book, you will not only be able to save on fuel, but you will be able to save the environment as well. Instead of burning harmful vapors, you will be burning hydrogen. The air will thank you and most of all, your pockets will thank you when you do not have to continually empty them at the gas station.
This book will not only talk about how to get your car to run on water and the process that you have to undergo to get the car to run on water, but how the many kits that you see online work and how they can work for you. You have probably seen the kits online that can make your car run on water and wondered how they work. There is a difference between those kits and what you will learn in the beginning of this book.
The kits that you buy online that allow your car to run on water are converting your car to a hybrid. A hybrid is a car that runs on gasoline and another product. In this case, it is water. Some of these kits work and some do not. We will include a chapter in this book as to how to ascertain the difference between the types of kits that work and those that do not. It is important to understand the difference between a hybrid and a car that runs strictly on water.
So, let’s get started. Here is a step by step guide on how you can make your car run on water.
Chapter 2 - Measuring Your Current Operating Temperature
First of all, it has been suggested that you try this on an older car. One that is not the family car. Whenever you are making repairs or modifications on a car for the first time, it is the wise thing to do not to do it on the family car.
So once you have found the perfect car to work on, the first thing you want to install is a CHT Gauge. This will measure the temperature that the current gasoline is running on. This is the gauge that you will need to make sure that your engine is not overheating. You need to install a new gauge because the gauge that you currently are using will not let you know that you are overheating as it is too slow. You can find a CHT which stands for cylinder head temperature) gauge in various places online.
If you cannot find a CHT gauge, you can also install a EGT gauge. This is an Exhaust Gas Temperature gauge. Either of these will protect your engine from overheating when you are running your car on water. Because the existing gauge that you have is too slow for this process, you need to install one of these two new gauges that fit right under your spark plug. Look for the cylinder head under the spark plug and remove the spark plug before installing the gauge. Then re-install the spark plug. You may want to clean them before reinstalling them as now is the perfect time to do this.
A water powered car, such as the one depicted in this book is not a steam engine, nor should it be confused with a steam engine. You are actually producing a hydrogen-oxygen car. There are other water operated cars and kits online that are simpler to use as you only have to install a kit, but they do not work as well as this type of car.
If you have no mechanical knowledge of building a car or how an engine works, you can have someone who is a mechanic help you with some of the aspects of building this car. Installing the gauge is just one part of many that you will have to install as you build your car that runs on water.
Once the CHT or EGT gauge is installed and the spark plug replaced, you are ready for the next step in building your water operated car.
Chapter 3 - Build The Control Circuit
In order for you to have your water operated car work properly, you are going to have to have a control circuit as well as a throttle control sensor. The control circuit is one of the most important parts of putting together your water powered car.
You can go to auto repair stores, Radio Shack or any other store that sells equipment to build a control circuit. You will want to build a circuit that has a transistor which will work on 1-5 amps. You will need to buy an enclosure box for the circuit system as well as a circuit board, IC sockets and other parts for the circuits. This is the electrical control panel of the car and will need to have room for the three gauges that you are going to install in the system. The gauges will connect to the reaction chamber which will actually turn your water in the tank into hydrogen and oxygen and enable the car to have power.
If you have never before built a control circuit before, have no fear. You can usually get diagrams on how to do this when you buy a kit. You can go with a kit that enables you to build a circuit board such as those offered by DigiKey.
This is a small system that you are making so you do not have to worry about building a big control circuit. The purpose of the control circuit is to send signals to the rest of the car to basically run. This will be pretty much the brains of the car. The control circuit will override the other circuits you have in your car.
When you are building a car that runs on water, you do not want to take apart the car so that it does not run on gasoline . The methods that are outlined in this book are meant to enhance the car so that it runs on water that is basically turned into hydrogen. You do not have to rebuild the engine or any parts of the car. The control circuit, therefore, will override the current controls that you have on your car and enable it to run on water.
You are going to want to watch the electrodes on a oscilloscope when you are using the car. The control circuit that you build will have to send a signal to the reaction chamber (which you will also build) so that the engine gets fired up and the hydrogen oxygen injects into the system and becomes a fuel.
An oscilloscope is a product that can be purchased at either an auto parts store, an online store or at an electronics store. You are going to have to make sure that you have this device attached to the gauge so that you can read what is going on with the control circuit. The control circuit will give off a square pulse signal and can be observed on the oscilloscope. This way, you will be able to see the pulses that are in the reacting chamber that are making your vehicle run.
The faster you want to go when you are driving your water operated car, the more pulses you will want to make in the reaction chamber. This will be determined by the throttle control which is part of the control circuit system.
You may have to test your control circuit several times before you are ready to begin putting in your reaction chamber. The reaction chamber is the part of the car that will actually spur the water into turning into hydrogen.
Make sure that the control circuit has a built in grounding plane on the circuit board as it will involve the use of electricity.
Once you have put together the control circuit, you can then work on creating the throttle control. This will be the manual way that the control circuit is operated.
Chapter 4 - Building The Throttle Control
The type of throttle control that you build will be determined by the type of vehicle that you have. If you have a throttle sensor, you should be able to get an access to the sensor or to the signal that is output by the computer. Many cars have computer operated sensors in them today and if your car is a newer model, chances are that you can access the sensor to build the throttle control right through the sensor.
The throttle is the primary control of the vehicle and the level of throttle will determine how the vehicle runs. The pulse width, which is what you want more of in the reaction chamber when you are driving your car, is determined by the vapor rate. The sensor in the throttle control will signal the amount of pulse that can be generated in the reaction chamber.
The throttle must be able to control the rate of the vapors which gives you the pulse width. The larger the pulse width that you have, the faster the car will perform. Much of what you will be monitoring is the vapor rate of the car. If you can access the sensor to monitor the vapor rate. The throttle signal will enable you to put more electric energy into the electrodes. This will be monitored on the scope that you are getting the vapor rate that you want. In addition to the vapor rate, you are going to have to make sure the voltage is maintaining a square pulse.
If you do not have a signal because you have an older car, you can use a rotary resistor to the gas link which should be located at the cable that runs to the carburettor. This will not work as well as if you already have the signal, but still will work. You will want to get a good resistor that at a local auto parts store that will be very resilient and can be mounted securely to the gas pedal.
There are two things that you do when you turn on your car - you turn it on (thus igniting the engine with the electrical control panel) and then you step on the gas to get it started (after you put it in gear). When you are using the water operated car, you are, again overriding these steps. You are not taking out your ignition and replacing it with another ignition, instead you are using a control panel to divert the signals to the reaction tank which contains the water. The water is thus heated to a point where it turns into hydrogen and then can power the car. The throttle is diverting the reaction away from the gas tank and to the water tank. That is the basic purpose of the throttle control.
The throttle control should operate on a square pulse and should use a pulse in the 100-250KHz range when it comes to frequency. Each time you crank the throttle up, you will be adding more electrical signals into the electrodes. Before you put the epoxy cap on and finish this project, you have to make sure that you can get the level sensor verified. The level sensor should be able to both control the vapor rate but also giving your car enough electricity that it can increase the heat in the reaction chamber.
Everything else on your car will work the same. The battery will be the same and so will the electric system. The control panel is merely being used to control the throttle and divert the fuel injection away from the gas tank to the reaction tank. The purpose of the control panel is to keep the water in the reaction tank heated to a point where it turns to hydrogen but doesn’t overheat the engine. You will watch this reaction through a series of gauges and control it with the control throttle.
Once you have build the Control Panel and the Throttle Control, the two electrical devices that are needed to be used to make the water in the reaction tank head up, you should test them to make sure that the wiring is correct and that the sensor level is verified. After you are finished with these two devices, you can put the epoxy cap on them and get ready to build the connection to the carburettor.
Chapter 5 - Scam Or Real
Before we continue, the process that is taught in this book is public domain knowledge. It was developed by a company interested in preserving the environment. Throughout the years, people have been actually persecuted in this country for trying to make cars run on anything other than gasoline.
The technology that our government has access to is difficult to imagine. Imagine the use of nuclear power and aerodynamics. It makes it difficult to believe that we still have to rely on gasoline to run our cars. After all, in this day and age, shouldn’t we have something better?
And the fact that the oil companies continue to profit and the people are having a hard time making it back and forth to work because of the cost of gasoline should put a jolt in everyone’s mind. The cost factor has made everyone more conscious of the gasoline problem, but environmentalists have been fighting to get cleaner air for years. This is one of the public patents that have been used to try to get car manufacturers to switch to hydrogen powered cars.
Stanley Meyer was one of the first to come out with the water operated car theory. He actually demonstrated the water operated theory on his dune buggy. The control circuit drove the water fuel system in Meyer’s car. Meyer’s patent was a bit different than this example in that he replaced spark plugs and actually used the engine cylinders. In this book, the engine will stay intact. But Stanley Meyer’s idea is basically the same as what is translated in this text - have the car run on hydrogen power.
Meyer’s car used less energy and actually worked repeatedly through a series of tests. Legal troubles began when Meyer was sued because the Water Fuel Cell Technology was paving the way for cars to be powered by batteries alone. No test was ever made of any of Meyer’s technology nor was the water cell tested. Meyer was convicted of fraud. The court refused to allow any tests to proceed. There was talk at the time, in 1996 when this happened, that Meyer was being “railroaded” and that his invention was being held down by the big oil companies that did not want his invention to get out. The fact that the court would not allow the product to be tested spoke volumes of some sort of conspiracy that was trying to keep Meyer from making his invention known to the public. Meyer was convicted of fraud without being able to prove his case.
Shortly after this, Meyer died suddenly under what appeared to be mysterious circumstances. He was drinking a drink in a restaurant and collapsed. An autopsy revealed that Meyer died from an aneurysm, but there have been conspiracy theories about Meyer and the fact that his water technology for cars was suppressed by the government and that the government was somehow involved in his death.
Whether you believe in conspiracy theories or not, the story of Stanley Meyer is a true story. He did develop a car that operated on hydrogen and proved that the plan he used worked. Not only did the car not have to burn gasoline, but it also eliminated harmful fumes from the air.
Honda is now working on a hydrogen based car, but most of the ‘green cars’ that are being produced still involve the use of gasoline in some manner. Most of them are hybrids that use gas as well as electric to work. Cars that run strictly on electric were not introduced to the public until 2001. This would be the Smart Car of America, a car that has a waiting list of nearly a year to get a car.
Clearly, the need for cars that do not run on gasoline is evident. And it has been made possible by environmentalists. Many people mock the environmentalists for getting too involved in what they feel is meaningless. So what if a few trees are killed? So what if we drill for oil and wipe out a species of animals? So what if we upset the eco system?
But we have the environmentalists to thank for the electric car and the car manufacturers actually toying with the idea of cars that are powered on something other than gasoline.
Meanwhile, those in the oil industry, a very powerful lobby, are pressuring for more drilling and more oil being found in our own country, including offshore drilling and in Alaska. People on both ends of the political spectrum agree that something has to be done when it comes to fuel prices that are through the roof. The cost of oil does not only affect gasoline prices, but heating oil in our homes as well. Yet solar power and other alternate powers are rejected.
There are many kits that you can buy online that will help you turn your car into a water operating car. Some of them work and some do not. Some of them require some sort of gasoline to run, just not as much. You use hydrogen power in addition to gasoline, thus creating a hybrid car of your own. This can work.
If you want to create a fully operational car that runs on water alone and is similar to the patent that was created by Stanley Meyer, which is now public domain, you can do so using these directions. You can also choose to buy a kit.
Chapter 6 - Creating The Reaction Chamber
The reaction chamber is a cylinder shaped component made from PVC pipe. This is where the water is going to turn into hydrogen and oxygen. You are going to need a small section of four inch PVC pipe that has a screw cap fitting to put on one end and the regular cap for the other end. You are going to put the electrodes into the threaded end and fill the chamber three quarters of the way with water. You want the electrodes from the control circuit to be able to touch the water, but you do not want the chamber to be so submerged with water that it will not enable the water to turn into hydrogen. In order for the water to convert from a liquid to a gas, it will need the jolt of power that it will receive from the electrodes.
The electrodes are the wires that are surrounded with steel. They have to have enough of gap between them and should be held apart by a steel coil. The electrodes are what is going to charge up the water and allow it to turn into hydrogen.
It is important that the wires that you use inside the chamber should be stainless steel and have a protective coating. The wires that are used outside of the unit should be insulated. You can use a rubber insulation on the outside wires as long as they are water proof. The bottom part of the cylinder should be sealed with epoxy. Make sure you use a good epoxy agent to seal the works. The epoxy sealant that you use is going to have to be able to hold the pressure of the reaction chamber which will be turning water into hydrogen when the car is turned on the and the control circuit kicks into gear. The most important aspect when you are building the reaction chamber is that you do not have any leakage at all.
The wires that lead to the control circuit (the electrodes) should be soldered at the junctions and make sure that there is a water proof substance that holds over everything. You are going to want to get an epoxy that will hold metal to plastic as you are going to use a plastic tank that will hold the reaction chamber.
There will also be wires that lead to the engine though the throttle and the carburettor. These will allow the hydrogen to work so that it becomes a fuel for the engine. All of the wires should be insulated so that they are not damaged by water or sparks. You should test each wire separately before you use it and make sure that they are insulated in rubber.
Before you epoxy the reaction chamber in this part of the project, you should make sure that the chamber level is tested by the sensor. In other words, it should reach the amount of voltage that you need in order to turn the water in the chamber into gas. This can be done by attaching the wires to the circuit and also putting the gauge on the top of the reaction chamber. You will want to make sure that you have enough temperature and pressure to vaporize the water and turn it into hydrogen. Test it with the gauge so that you can make sure that it is working properly before you seal the works with a sealant epoxy.
When getting an epoxy for the sealant, get one that will be a soft silicone sealant that can hold the pressure but still let the electrodes be inspected once in a while. You will want to have a stainless steel coil that attaches the two electrodes that run into the reaction chamber soldered onto the wires.
The reaction chamber’s purpose is to get the water, ordinary tap water, to use the power of electricity so that it can turn into hydrogen and be used as a power to allow the car to move. After you have built the reaction chamber and the control circuits and installed the gauges, you are then ready to install the tank into the car.
Chapter 7 - Installation Of Product
Once you have built the control circuit and the reaction chamber as well as installed the gauges, you are then ready to install the tank, controller, chamber and the fittings that are needed to get the car running. Before you do this, you should be aware of the carburettor and F1 connection. These are the pressure fittings that you will have to add to your carburettor or the fuel injector. You are going to have to seal the vents that are built in to make for a one way intake of air.
There is a copper mesh that is used for backfire protection that will be used for the reaction chamber. The most important thing is that you make sure that everything is air tight and that you can get the full pressure in the reaction chamber without any leaking. Once you can do this, you are ready to roll when it comes to installation.
The gauge CHT gage should be at the top of the chamber. The chamber is then connected to the control circuit which contains the throttle as well. The entire rig is then attached to the existing circuit, which is the carburettor or the fuel injector. Wires leading from the reaction chamber are attached to the circuit control which is attached to the fuel injector or the carburettor. Nothing is removed from the car that makes it run on gas. Unlike the other prototypes that involve removing the gas tank, this method of making your car run on water allows for just installing this device and not taking away anything from the car itself.
You should hand on to the other parts of the car in case you decide to convert it back or if your conversion does not work properly. It may take a few tries of doing this before you get the right voltage, the right temperatures and the right pressure to allow the car to work the way that you want it to work.
The entire gadget will be mounted under the dash panel of your car. The canisters that house the mechanisms should be built solid but not so that they compromise the dash panel of the car. You are going to have to use one of the wires that is attached to the circuit control panel to the ignition of the car so that it will turn on when you turn on the car. This will allow the device to work only when you have the car turned on. Also, do not expect to have the device work right away. One of the problems with this type of device is that it takes 10 minutes before it can get started. Gasoline starts instantly, but hydrogen oxygen made from water takes about 10 minutes before it can be turned into fuel.
Again you should make sure that the device is properly sealed and has been tested before you put it on your car and start it up. You may have to pay with the device a few times before you get it started, but when you do, you can pretty much be guaranteed that you will be the only person who has a car that runs completely on water. Although many cars claim to run on water, they are merely hybrids. This is the real deal. Your car, if you follow these instructions, will run completely on water
Chapter 8 - How It Works
The process works very simply in that you are creating an electrical source, which is the control circuit and throttle circuit that will give energy to the reactor that will enable the water to turn into hydrogen. When the water turns in to hydrogen, it will mix with the oxygen in the cylinder and will become HHO. Hydrogen oxygen is a good source of power and will be enough to power up your car.
The HHO will then be funnelled into your engine through your injector pump or through the carburettor. While other products use the battery as the source of power to allow the water to vaporize and turn into a powerful gas, this product allows you to create your own electrical unit that will give the unit the power that you need. You do not have to mess with the battery or other parts of the car.
This is similar to a steam engine but because the reaction chamber is so small and contained, and does not get nearly the amount of temperature or pressure that is given to a steam engine, this is a different invention. It is merely using another source of fuel instead of gasoline.
The problem with the product is the time elapse between the time you turn on the car and the time it takes to heat up and turn into fuel. This is the reason why gasoline, which ignites and is more efficient, is preferred over water. But now that gasoline has become so expensive, maybe it is time for a change. This process can only give you a way to turn your car into a car that runs on water that will take ten minutes to heat up an begin to run. But if only the best minds in the country would put their heads together, we may be able to come up with a product that can be instantly heated up. Honda is working on a completely powered hydrogen car right now and may be ready to unveil it in a year or so. The technology is possible, it just has to have enough people who want to make it happen.
It is not mandated that you have to use gasoline in your car. Using gasoline has become very expensive and for some people has really been a problem trying to obtain because of the cost. It is also a pollutant. Those who are concerned about the air that we breathe do not want to pollute the air any more with emissions. We already have too much emission of toxins in the air right now as it is. Why put in more?
This product works because of basic technology, but it seems to be too simple for anyone to grasp. While car manufacturer’s play with the idea of making cars that can run on an alternate fuel, there are already tried and true ways that we can make this happen. While the finished product may not give the best performance as a car that runs on gasoline, and may not be able to run as fast, it will be able to run. Imagine the best scientific minds going over this theory and coming up with a better solution for all cars. Then toss that idea right out of your head because it isn’t going to happen. The oil lobby is too powerful to allow that to happen. Expect to use gasoline for a long time. Until someone breaks the oil lobby like they broke the tobacco lobby.
Chapter 9 - Treating Your Engine
After you have installed your new water running device on your car and converted your car to a water run car, the first thing that you should do is to get the valves replaced and make sure that they are made of stainless steel. You should also get the pistons and cylinders treated with ceramic as soon as you can to prevent rusting and erosion. It is cheaper to send your current exhaust system out to be ceramic coated so that you do not have to worry about it rusting or worry about having to use a catalytic converter.
It is important to make sure your engine is treated properly to prevent any rusting after you have converted your car from a car that operates on gasoline to a car that operates on hydrogen. If your engine starts knocking after you have converted your car or you get loud sounds coming from the engine, it could mean that you have to change the space that is between the electrodes. It can also mean that you need to get bigger electrodes. You can also adjust the timing on the throttle before you make any changes in the electrodes.
If you continue to have a problem with your engine after making these adjustments, you may have to put another coil into the system so that it will slow down the vapor rate. Much of what you will do with the car to get it running properly at this point is to adjust timings as well as the pulse frequency of the control circuit. Changing the gap between the electrodes will help you in some cases, adding a coil will help you or making the output pulse voltage higher can also be done to get better performance from your vehicle once it has been converted from a gas guzzling machine to a car that runs on water.
Chapter 10 - Things To Be Wary About
You may have to test your system out a few times before it can work properly. You may have to make some adjustments as well with the timings and the gaps. But it will all be worth it once you get the car working the way that you want it to work.
Do not toss out any of your engine parts or anything else when you try this procedure. Keep all of your gas operating parts intact. The difference between this system and other systems that you see online is that it creates a car that works strictly on hydrogen oxygen (HHO) rather than a hybrid. You should, however, keep the other parts in the car in case you run into trouble with the procedure.
Also, do not try this out on a new car. You should try this procedure out with an older car. You can, if you are mechanically inclined, sell the cars that you create that work on water, although be prepared for scepticism. There are so many scams that are running online today that some people are sceptical when it comes to cars running on anything other than gasoline. If you manage to perfect this method, however, you may end up with a profitable business.
Many cars that run on water today are hybrids. They run on both water and gasoline. This enables the car to emit less fumes and also be more conservative when it comes to using gasoline. However, they are not cars that are strictly run on water.
This system enables you to use the power from the central circuit that you build as your conductive power for electricity. Other systems that create a hybrid car that runs on water actually use much of the electricity from the battery of the car.
You may wonder why, with this technology, car manufacturers are not making all the cars run on water instead of gasoline. After all, it would be more efficient as well as environmentally friendly. This is not going to happen as long as the oil company lobbies are more powerful than the environmental lobbies.
The only reason that we even have hybrid cars is not to save consumers money or for consumer demand. The reason we have hybrid cars is because of the power of the environmental lobby. The green movement is becoming a bigger and bigger movement and is using the rising gas prices to even gain more leverage when it comes to getting new environmental laws passed.
Until the environmental lobby is stronger than the oil cartels, and the people stand up and make a stand regarding the cost of energy and the implementation of new technology, we will continue to be, as President George W. Bush stated “addicted to oil.”
You can overcome your addiction by following these tips to get your car converted to a car that runs on hydrogen.
Chapter 11 - Does The Water Car Really Work
This public patent for making a car that runs strictly on water is said to work. A new Japanese company recently announced a new technology that they are going to release to the public about a new technology that uses a chemical reaction that will enable a car to run on water, but this has been dismissed as nonsense by Popular Mechanics. A man in 1935 actually demonstrated running a car on water for a crowd of people that has been historically noted and we all know that hydrogen is a legitimate source of energy.
Does this really work? Why not. There are plenty of people out there who are using these inventions as well as the kits that convert a car to being a hybrid that are getting results. It depends on the car and how you install the components. It may take some time before you get the right temperature or the voltage, but this should be a project that can be done on an older car that is not the family car and is not necessary to get you back and forth to work.
This is not really free energy since you have to pay for the use of the water. The car will get about 50 miles to the gallon of water, but it can go up to 300 miles, if you adjust some of the electrodes as well as make the cylinder bigger that you put under the dashboard. The system consists of creating your own electrical power base and using it to create fuel, which is HHO. The fuel is then injected into the carburettor or injector pump and allows the car to run. It is not very scientific and there is no reason why it shouldn’t work.
It is safer than using any other fuels that are on the market today and is definitely safer for the environment. You will also be helping the environment when you create a water powered car. This car, instead of burning gasoline emissions into the air, will burn H2O. Actually, it will be making the air cleaner instead of polluting the air.
Some people feel that this is nothing more than a steam engine. But you are not using very high pressure or temperature to get the steam that a steam engine used. Unlike a steam engine, this water operated car has a more internal combustion system that uses steam as the by product. It is not a steam engine.
Chapter 12 - Using A Hybrid Kit
The aforementioned method of making your car run on water has been a public domain patent and has been proven to work. This method, however, although tried and true, does take a bit of mechanical know - how. It is a great method for anyone who is mechanically inclined. But there are easier methods for getting your car to run on water that have been used throughout the years and are being used even today.
Many people would prefer to have a car that just gets more mileage to the gallon. After all, with the price of gasoline today, any bit of help will do. But they do not want to turn in their cars and buy hybrids. The price of hybrids, by the way, has gone up as the price of the super gas guzzling SUV has plummeted.
The idea of the electric car appeals to some people - a lot of people, actually, as the waiting list for the only electric car in the United States is nearly a year long - but you have to remember that those cars are not made for highway driving. The electric car, like the Smart Car of America is a great car for doing errands and running around town. It can get up to 70 miles per hour but you are pushing it. The amount of miles that I can travel without being recharged is about 70. So this is not a car that you can use for long tips. It is a convenience car.
There is a real need for people to have hybrid cars right now. While the idea of making a car that runs on water can be something you can work on, you might want to do something right away to make your car start using less gasoline. But how?
You have probably seen some of the “make your car run on water” ads online. You may have wondered whether it is a scam or real. It is really true that you can make your car, or any other machine, run on water. Hydrogen is a viable source of energy and Honda is experimenting with a hydrogen car, although most cars today that are considered to be “green” and environmentally friendly are those that are hybrids.
Hybrids are cars that run on both gasoline and other sources of energy. The first car that was a hybrid is the Honda Hybrid. It was introduced to the public in the 1990s to a cool reception. At that time, gas prices were not yet out of control and people had money and jobs. The 1990s was a pretty wealthy time for most Americans as jobs were plentiful and energy prices were reasonable.
All that changed in the blink of an eye on September 11, 2001, a horrific day that were are still suffering from economically. The gas prices started to rise then and have continued to do so ever since. In a few years, we have seen the price of a gallon of gas rise from an average of $2.50 a gallon to $4.40 a gallon. Not good.
The collapse of the economy and the building strength of the environmental movement has allowed for exploration of alternate means of fuel. The elimination of gasoline has to be a gradual step, but is one that we should start considering. Just as we found alternatives for coal heating and fuel, we should also find alternatives for gasoline and crude oil as energy. It is in our best interest as a nation to do this.
It is very easy to say “tough luck” for the people who work in the oil industry when you consider the salaries of those at the top of the food chain. But when you consider the other people who work for these companies, that amount to nearly a million in our country alone, that have jobs just like everyone else, you realize that you cannot change everyone’s way of living overnight.
The hybrid vehicles are the best option now for those who want to buy a car that uses less gasoline. The Honda Hybrid is now a very popular car, as you can imagine. Chevy, Ford and other car manufacturers are coming out with their own hybrids and some are experimenting with ways to make cars totally reliant on hydrogen power.
Hydrogen powered cars, or cars that operate on water, is not just some big internet scam. It is a possibility. But the above chapters should tell you that you have to be very mechanically inclined in order to assemble a product that runs strictly on water alone. The average person does not have the time to do this. But the average person still wants to save money on gas.
Because the gas prices continue to rise with no end in sight, people have been pretty much forced to try to find alternate modes of making their cars run. One way is to attach a water device such as a simple jar to a hydrogen flow pump to the engine.
The method that is used in the previous chapters uses tap water to get your car to run on water. The method that we will discuss in this chapter is easier but must be used with distilled water and a little bit of baking soda. It does not replace the gasoline, but does make it last a lot longer.
The device uses the electricity from the battery, not from a control circuit that you build yourself. It is easy to use and safe as well. The basic premise is the same. You are converting water to hydrogen and using hydrogen power to run your car. Hydrogen and Oxygen combined is called HHO.
The Engine Connection
The device connects, by wires, to the carburettor and then to the engine. It uses a separate pump to allow it to give extra energy to the engine without it interfering with the gas line. The engine is more revved up because of the additional power and it burns less gas.
It is not difficult to connect this device to the engine to give the engine power. You are using the battery to charge up the fuel, which is the HHO that is contained in the cylinder, and then using a device to inject the fuel into the engine to give it additional power so that it can run on less gasoline. Some people who have been using these devices claim that they have been averaging at least 20 miles more a gallon on their cars than they were getting before. Others have little tricks that they use to gain even more mileage. The more mechanical knowledge that you have, the better off you are when you are trying to get a car to run on water.
The Electrical Connection
In this method, you use the battery as the electrical conduit. You do not have to make your own control circuit or any other device. The first thing that you need is a basic cylinder that contains not only water, but two electrical wires as well. Again, there has to be a secure bottom of the cylinder and a secure top that allows for the two wires to enter into the device. In the method that many people are using, the cylinder is just a seal tight jar. The wires should be stainless steel that go into the jar and coated on the outside. One wire will connect to the negative connection of your car battery. The other wire will run through a fuse and into the ignition switch and connect to the positive connection of your car battery. Baking soda is added to the water to enable it to turn into HHO without that much power. There is only 1-3 amps running through the device to get the engine revved up, which is very little power.
Connecting part of the device through the ignition switch prevents hydrogen from begin formulated when the car is turned off. When you turn the car on, it will take about 10 minutes before it is able to connect and you will be able to drive the car. This is a cheaper way to make the car run on water and does not entail a lot of mechanical know how or the need for extra parts.
Does This Work?
This device is being currently sold all over the internet. It creates a hybrid vehicle that works to allow your car get as much power as it can on water instead of having to rely on gasoline. However, it is not as effective as the hydrogen device which entails building your own pump simply because it drains too much energy from the battery. It is, however, a lot cheaper to use and easy to install. You can purchase these types of kits online for less than $100 and make up that savings in gasoline prices very quickly.
Most of the devices sold online all entail the same type of method for making your car run on water. It involves a small container filled with water (or in this case, water and baking soda) under the hood of the car and using power from the battery, turns the water into hydrogen and oxygen (HHO) which is then distributed through the carburettor. There are hundreds of sites that allow cars to run on water. If you perfect this method, you will be able to save money in gasoline.
Chapter 13 - Choosing The Right Car To Water Kit
If you are planning on buying a car to water kit, you should be aware of the basic components of the inside of your car. You should know where the carburettor is located as well as the engine and the battery. You should be able to figure out how the fuel gets to the engine. If you buy a kit that enables your car to run on water, you are not going to be able to stop allowing your car to use gasoline. You will be enabling it to use hydrogen power to run more efficiently and use less gasoline. You do not mess with the fuel injectors when you are installing any of these devices.
Before you buy a car to water kit online, make sure that you understand how the new system will work and how much work you are going to have to put into the car. If you have a mechanic who is a friend, you may be able to get him to help you figure out how to make the transformation. Most of these devices are easy to install and some even come with DVD instructions. You can even view some devices being installed online.
Once you understand the mechanics of the water run car, you can then decide on which product is right for you. Do you want to create the control circuit and cylinder as diagrammed in the beginning chapters of this book or do you want to purchase a kit that might be easier to use? The answer is based upon your mechanical know how and how much time you have to invest in the project.
When you convert your car to a water run car, you can expect to pay a lot less for gasoline. Instead of getting 30 miles to the gallon, you will get 60 miles to the gallon. Your car will run just the same. Make sure that the car running on water kit that you are buying or instruction manual on how to convert your car to water is one that is easy for you to understand and implement.
You should also take a look at reviews of different products and manuals before you decide to buy a convert your car to using water kit so that you know which is the most affordable and which is the easiest to use. You should also look at results as well as watch any videos that are online regarding this technology. It can help you understand it better and be better able to make a decision on converting your car from a gas car to a gas and water car.
Chapter 14 - Should You Convert?
With the price of gas today, it doesn’t make sense not to look for alternate means when it comes to gas in your car. The price of gas is jumping sky high and will not come back down any time soon. In fact, it looks as if the problems in the Middle East that are continuing to mount, will add to oil prices even more.
The effect that the emissions that our cars create have on the environment is something that should concern all of us. While we like drinking clean water and breathing clean air, we would not have these things if it was not for a few people who were willing to stick out their necks for them. The environmental movement is growing as more people are concerned about the quality of air and the toxins in our foods and water.
We have diseases now in abundance that were rare years ago and many people believe it is due to the toxins we consume in our everyday lives. If you are like most people, you are consuming your fair share of toxins as well. Perhaps you would like to at least stop one type of pollutant that you are causing and start saving money when it comes to gas at the same time?
If you cannot afford to buy a brand new hybrid, you can make create your own hybrid car by using one of the gas to water converters that are featured online. Now that you know how these products work, you should be better informed as to what type of product you can buy for your car.
Those of you who cannot afford to take a car apart and create a car that runs strictly on hydrogen will be better off to try a hybrid car. While you are still using gasoline to some extent, you are at least using less of it. You are creating a better environment as well as saving money as you will burn less gasoline emissions.
America is in bed with the big money oil tycoons and with countries that produce oil for us. They are getting rich and making salaries that most people cannot imagine. This is while the average Joe is trying to scrape together money for gas.
The gas prices are not going to go down any time soon. They are bound to continence to rise no matter who is president as long as we are committed to big oil. And it is going to take a lot to break that commitment to that very powerful industry.
Tobacco was once as powerful as big oil is today. The tobacco industry was one of the biggest industries in the United States. They were so powerful that they were allowed to poison people, knowing full well that their products contribute to lung cancer, heart disease and a number of other deadly diseases. We know today that nothing good can come from inhaling hot smoke but it took years of fighting to break the powerful tobacco lobby. And we weren’t reliant on tobacco.
We are, as we have been instructed to be, reliant on oil and gasoline. We use gasoline to fuel our cars and oil to heat our homes. We have moved away from the idea of water heating our homes because it is not as efficient as oil. Yes, water was used as energy for a long time before big oil got involved.
Now we have to make a decision when it comes to our cars. Do we continue to go with the big oil companies and dismiss every idea that doesn’t conform with what they want us to believe (we need oil, we cannot run anything without it and we should pay whatever anyone is asking and shut up about it) or do we start looking for alternate means to fuel our cars?
Many people still dismiss the idea of anything other than a gasoline powered automobile as “bunk.” They simply do not want to believe that there can be any way that we can power anything on a substance other than gasoline. We have to prove them wrong. It is about time for people to stand up and say “enough is enough” and stop throwing money at the big oil companies.
People have tried boycotts. They don’t work. They have tried voting out people who cater to big oil and still we get more people who refuse to look at an alternative solution. It is obvious as an elephant in a room that we need to do something that gets us out of the grips of being a gasoline dependent nation and become a self reliant nation - especially since most of the oil that we use we import.
You can do it! Make a statement to big oil and say that you aren’t going to take it anymore. Start running your car on water and stop paying so much money at the gas station for gas. Perhaps, if more people start running their cars on water, car manufacturers will realize that they have to come up with something that the public will want to buy.
Should you convert your car to from a gas guzzler to a car that runs on water? If you want to save money and start getting more miles to the gallon, why not?
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