Easy Dial Research Inc is a statistical and market research firm that specializes in computerized data analysis and statistics consultancy. In market research we offer the following type of services:
Customer satisfaction surveysWe help corporate/individuals find out how satisfied their clients are with their services and offer recommendations on how to improve the relationship between the two.
Social and political surveys
We conduct social and political surveys in line with our clients’ needs and requirements.
New market analysis
We investigate challenging aspects that may face the client when approaching a new market. We design our studies to encompass innovative approaches and methodologies which we tailor to our clients’ individual needs; collecting, analyzing and report writing to make new markets a success.
Strategic positioning
We carry out feasibility analysis and positioning to enable our client position themselves from an informed perspective.
Market penetration
Our approach and techniques are diverse and comprehensive to meet the vast requirements of different clients. We provide our clients with bespoke research studies to suit their individual needs and specifications.
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