Thursday, February 24, 2011

Giants of the charity givers

The £1bn charity pledge by Scotland's richest man comes at a time when an increasing number of wealthy individuals are handing over millions in philanthropic donations.

Sir Tom Hunter is one of a growing band of donors who have contributed to an unprecedented boom in giving by some of the world's richest businessmen and financiers. In Britain alone more than £1.2bn has been pledged or donated to charitable causes in the past year by the country's leading 30 philanthropists.

Read about Sir Tom Hunter's record pledge to charity.

One of the world's leading philanthropists is Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates who has given more money to charity than anyone else in history.
In January 2000 Gates, along with his wife Melinda, set up the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
With an endowment of around $25bn the foundation works to improve equality in global health and education.
Among its beneficiaries are minority college scholarships, AIDS prevention organisations and efforts to tackle diseases prevalent in the developing world.
In the UK, where philanthropy has a long and distinguished history dating back to the days of the Victorian reformists like Scottish-born Andrew Carnegie, Sir Tom's commitment reflects a growing trend of wealthy individuals pledging huge sums to tackle global issues.
Last year Virgin boss Richard Branson said he would invest £1.6bn over the next 10 years into developing an aviation bio-fuel.
He said his personal profits from his airline and rail companies would be ploughed into creating energy sources that do not contribute to global warming.
Last year Sir Elton John, one of Britain's most famous philanthropists, donated £19.2m for educational programmes targeted at HIV/Aids prevention via his Elton John Aids Foundation (EJAF).
Since it was founded in 1992 EJAF has raised over $125m to support programmes in 55 countries around the world.
Lord Sainsbury, the supermarket magnate and Labour peer, has donated well over £400m in 35 years via his Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
In 1993 he gave over £300m to the trust which, at the time, was the largest philanthropic donation ever recorded in Britain.
Beneficiaries of the trust include disadvantaged children, mental health, cognitive neuroscience, developing countries and the arts.
In 2003 the Sainsbury family was awarded the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy for their charitable giving.
According to Tony Rogers, chief executive of the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) philanthropists are increasingly seeing their donations as a social investment rather than straight-forward charity.
Typical of this trend is Anil Agarwal, a London-based Indian businessman who has given £510m to build the Vedanta University in Orissa, India.
Among Britain's most generous givers are David and Heather Stevens, founding managers of Admiral Insurance, who have donated half their shareholding in the company to the Waterloo Foundation which they set up this year.
The amount given is equivalent to 87% of the couple's remaining £115m wealth.

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